This bug was fixed in the package libdvdread - 4.1.3-8ubuntu1
libdvdread (4.1.3-8ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low
* Merge from debian testing. Remaining changes:
- Re-add missing Update the script with patch by Gene Cumm
for dynamic version calculation. Add
I've tested this and so far things work well. It doesn't query the
source list but does query and parse the current Packages list.
** Patch added: "Change to use current Packages list."
libdvdread: install
The design question is whether to always update the script (and as a
result, the package) when Medibuntu releases a new version (as I think
is the current design) or to design it dynamically with a static fall
By this, I mean fetch the current repository list (I think