I have now checked the changelogs of tetex-base and the fix that fixes bug
36145 is in the current package, (tetex-base is version 3.0-19 i Edgy), and was
also released as an update for Dapper. And so since that bug has been fixed I
must assume that this one is too. So I'm changing the status to
Ok. I'll continue to work on it.
I regret that you feel that your work is not being used properly I hope we can
do better in the future. I'm just trying to do my part by helping out with
these bugs, and noticed that this had been quiet for some time.
Once again thank you for filing the bug.
> Could you try and check any of the documentation which made you file
> the bug in the first place, and see if the problem still persist.
Sorry, I didn't look at any specific documentation. The reason why I
filed the bug was that some Ubuntu user complained to the
Could you try and check any of the documentation which made you file the bug in
the first place, and see if the problem still persist.
Documentation created at package-build time is not hyphenated
ubuntu-bugs mailing list
> Since a fix had been released for the bug which this bug is a
> consequence off, am I correct in assuming that the status of this one
> should be changed to "fix released" also ?
No idea. I know neither whether or when the fixed package reached
Ubuntu, nor whethe
Since a fix had been released for the bug which this bug is a
consequence off, am I correct in assuming that the status of this one
should be changed to "fix released" also ?
Documentation created at package-build time is not hyphenated
ubuntu-bugs m