[Bug 421044] Re: zsyncmake doesn't check blocksize parameter well

2009-08-29 Thread psl
Simple script to create some test zsync files with different blocksize: for BS in 32768 16384 8196 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1; do echo "Blocksize: $BS" zsyncmake -b $BS testfile.bin -o testfile.bin.$BS.zsync ls -l testfile.bin.$BS.zsync done -- zsyncmake doesn't check blo

[Bug 421044] Re: zsyncmake doesn't check blocksize parameter well

2009-08-29 Thread psl
I tested small values of blocksize, like 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and it doesn't make serious problem to zsync client. Technical problem is that when blocksize is 8, the zsync file size is similar to original file, when blocksize is 4, zsync file is double in size compared to original file, etc. It doesn't m