This bug was fixed in the package snapd - 2.67.1+22.04
snapd (2.67.1+22.04) jammy; urgency=medium
* New upstream release, LP: #2089691
- Fix apparmor permissions to allow snaps access to kernel modules
and firmware on UC24, which also fixes the kernel-modules-control
This bug was fixed in the package snapd - 2.67.1+20.04
snapd (2.67.1+20.04) focal; urgency=medium
* New upstream release, LP: #2089691
- Fix apparmor permissions to allow snaps access to kernel modules
and firmware on UC24, which also fixes the kernel-modules-control
This bug was fixed in the package snapd - 2.67.1+24.10
snapd (2.67.1+24.10) oracular; urgency=medium
* New upstream release, LP: #2089691
- Fix apparmor permissions to allow snaps access to kernel modules
and firmware on UC24, which also fixes the kernel-modules-contro
This bug was fixed in the package snapd - 2.67.1+24.04
snapd (2.67.1+24.04) noble; urgency=medium
* New upstream release, LP: #2089691
- Fix apparmor permissions to allow snaps access to kernel modules
and firmware on UC24, which also fixes the kernel-modules-control
Tested on focal-proposed:
Manually verified the fix by following test steps
Result: PASS
You received this bug notification because you
Tested on noble-proposed:
Manually verified the fix by following test steps
Result: PASS
** Tags removed: verification-needed-focal verific
Tested on jammy-proposed:
Manually verified the fix by following test steps
Result: PASS
You received this bug notification because you
This bug is missing the SRU verification as per test plan from the
Note that the test plan mentions plucky-proposed, but for the purposes
of this SRU, it should be the ubuntu release for which the update is
being offered, in proposed.
You received this bug notification because yo
Hello Seyeong, or anyone else affected,
Accepted snapd into oracular-proposed. The package will build now and be
available at in
a few hours, and then in the -proposed repository.
Please help us by testing this new package. See