This bug was fixed in the package libvirt - 7.0.0-1ubuntu2
libvirt (7.0.0-1ubuntu2) hirsute; urgency=medium
* d/control: extend demotion of libvirt-lxc related dependencies to
-- Christian Ehrhardt Thu, 04 Feb
2021 13:44:49 +0100
** Changed in: libvi
Summary of checks vs my 7.0 builds
# dpkg -S /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml
libvirt-daemon-system: /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml
Running this prior to the upgrade shows:
clear; dpkg-query --showformat='${Conffiles}\n' --show libvirt-daemon-system
Differences in
Intended, users
On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 01:07:43PM -, Christian Ehrhardt wrote:
> Hi Iain,
> we've already become aware of this and were discussing how to fix in
> That should be in 6.10/6.11 by Debian. I'll recheck this case when going
Hi Iain,
we've already become aware of this and were discussing how to fix in
That should be in 6.10/6.11 by Debian. I'll recheck this case when going
for ~7.0 in January.
** Tags added: libvirt-21.04
** Changed in: libvirt (Ubun