Please don't post new bugs for different packages in an existing bug
report, I can't action bugs affecting different packages. I'm going to
change this bug to just track the Firefox Download Progress bar issue,
it seems the most important.
Please raise new bugs for each of the other issues :-)
Also I attached you another color issue. Please check the fonts of
virtual box toolbar. They are very hard to read. I guess the theme just
needs some color optimizations for some parts.
Best regards! :)
** Attachment added: "font color of menu hard to read"
Hi Martin, I attached you a screenshot for the first issue mentioned
(Firefox). You can see a active download but no progress bar. Normally
there should be a progress bar visible.
** Attachment added: "progress bar not visible"
I'm not sure what you're describing in 1. Can you attach an annotated
screenshot please?
So, we can't do anything about 2. That is a consequence of moving to
GTK3+, the Slider notification theme was "hacked" in GTK2+ to make it
appear dark. That trick is not possible in GTK3+. But the Coco