*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 149527 ***
Commenting the ~/.bashrc s bash completion line solves this problem. But
it reduces the shell's capability to auto complete. For example when the
line is commented man does nothing. When the line is there
*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 149527 ***
** This bug has been marked a duplicate of bug 149527
.profile not sourced anymore
.bashrc not executed to the end
You received this bug notification because you
I was also affected by this problem but was able to fix it when I
removed the bash_completion line from my ~/.bashrc
It turns out that the bash_completion script was sourced twice: once in
/etc/bash.bashrc and once in ~/.bashrc
I commented it out in ~/.bashrc and left it enabled in /etc/bash.bash
Something strange happens here. It gets executed when I start a new
shell, but not when I source it:
>From the end of my .bashrc:
echo a
# enable programmable completion features (you don't need to enable
# this, if it's already enabled in /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/profile
# sources /etc/bash.bas