Note to John and others : *building a PC*. Anyone can go to ANY small
computer shop, talk to a techie, and have a computer built, CHEAPER and
BETTER ! Ask your techie which O/S he/she is using, if it is not Linux, get
another techie. Every techie that I know that is any good, uses Linux. Most
If the average Joe would buy parts individually and build a computer instead
of getting a pre-built one, we wouldn't have this "Microsoft tax" to deal
with. Nobody is forcing anyone to buy a pre-built solution, but they are
there for those who eight don't know much about computers or don't want to
Don't get me wrong - I never made the assumption you mentioned. The
point is, that even if the ratio is much lower (say 2:8), the GNU/Linux
user base will start growing much faster and at some point all the
problems with 3rd-party support will be gone, leaving only the bugs
causing problems with us
I agree that Microsoft does have an unfair advantage in this sense,
but anyone who is at all tech-savvy can uninstall windows and replace
it with whatever they like.
You make the assumption that given the choice, people would choose
Linux and probably Ubuntu 9 times out of 10. I don't think this i
Greetings from .CZ
I believe the ultimate solution for this bug is hidden in this article
The history teaches us that Windows didn't win "the desktop wars"
because it was the best available choice at the time... on the