My System;
ASUS M2N SLI Mobo with Nforce 570 Chipset
AMD 64X2 3800 CPU
1GB corsair DDR2
Western Digital SATA HDD
Nvidia 7300 LE
I believe the hardware I listed is part of the problem with the latest drivers.
I removed all of the "nvidia-glx-new" drivers from my system and all kernel
sources and o
My System;
ASUS M2N SLI Mobo with Nforce 570 Chipset
AMD 64X2 3800 CPU
1GB corsair DDR2
Western Digital SATA HDD
Nvidia 7300 LE
I believe the hardware I listed is part of the problem with the latest drivers.
I removed all of the "nvidia-glx-new" drivers from my system and all kernel
sources and o