Hello everybody; i recently took the time to read all the articles: i
have a NP530U3C running Arch. I would now update the firmware to start
use the UEFI booting. There's a way to flash the firmware without
windows? as i can't find anywhere on the net the mentioned firmware.
Should be safer to get
No, I just mistaken with the button
2012/11/14 paolo.mgi <971...@bugs.launchpad.net>
> Does the tag "no longer affects:acpi (Arch Linux)" mean that the
> problem is solved on arch?
> --
> You received this bug notification because you are subscribed to the bug
> report.
> https://bugs.launchp
humm, seems there's no porgressions.
To summarize, the problem affect the ACPI module // Bios memory after a
certains suspention cyrcle.
It looks like the suspend or resume process screw up the module that stop to
log ACPI events to Kernel.
There's no other important news?
I thnk i'm not able t
This is not only Ubuntu: i'm Arch at the problem is the same, i testetd
with at least 3 kernel from Arch and the problem persist so, i think, is
either the acpi module or, more probably, a Bios bug.
I also tried to pass Windows as OS to the BIOS with grub command: acpi_osi= at
actually broke the bo
Yes and I think is the suspension act that screw it again.. At least
overnight crackheads do it on mine maybe is a resume hook.. I tried the pm
and the systems functions and both do it
Il giorno 16/ott/2012 13:51, "Erik Schindler" ha
> In addition to the previous post: closing the lid is
The OS kernel log all the events.
The first time also the LID (that generally need 10 sec to trigger the
status change when work) is logged almost instantly.
I can have log in dmesg and acpid.
2012/10/12 Erik Schindler
> > I can confirm you that if you push the reset button on bottom of the
> >
> Maybe resetting the BIOS to default values mught re-instate normal
> behaviour for a period. I'm not in a position to try it right now.
> I can confirm you that if you push the reset button on bottom of the
laptop with a needle (laptop unpowered, than use the power cord to start
it otherwhise