I have the same problem with the released version of 9.04. Let me know
if I can assist with testing. The 'test-suspend' script did not report a
bug, but it looks like this bug is the same issue I'm running into on my
Panasonic CF-Y5. It worked before upgrading to 9.04.
Linux 2.6.28-11-generic #4
In regards to Craig's comment above, I am running Ubuntu 7.10 - Gutsy
Gibbon. I prefer to use a static IP. However, I have been stuck with
using DHCP for the past year or so, because when network-manager is
configured with a static IP, I cannot use it to connect to a VPN. The
'VPN Connections' o
I have the same problem. I have to completely re-install network-
manager to get it back to the 'dhcp' state where the vpn connections
show up. Also, this is a fairly major problem for me, as I definitely
need VPN, and I definitely prefer to get a static IP from my router, as
the machine I am run
*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 106508 ***
I have the same problem. It's not a matter of having the right vpn
packages. The network-manager-pptp package works fine for me, until I
try to go from dhcp to static IP. Then the icon only shows 'Manual