news to me too , no idea what info they require.
On 11/11/06, Dave Hope <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm having this exact same problem on a Gigabyte GA-K8NS motherboard
> with an AMD Athlon64 3400 processor.
> The status of this bug is still at "Needs Info" and has
thanks for the email.
I think I saw a now known bug with powernow but theys till havent fixed it
Its odd how some distros are fine though , pclinuxos(mandriva based ) has no
problems for example.
say while am on , you dont know much about xorg by chance do you??
(thought would ask h
this occurs on new install - I therefore am not able to provide logs as it
does not write to hdd
unless u know different- i dont know that much really??
On 14/06/06, Francois-Denis Gonthier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please provide more information. The more the better, but wha