Yes, that's more than plausible. More even, I can't reproduce the
problem. So I'm a ways from knowing exactly what happened.
Still, this event can probably be ignored. If any other users have the
same problem I'd be surprised. I'll still be tinkering with it, though,
because I'd like to
First, thank you for the reply. Second, I've installed the windows
driver with ndiswrapper so the adaptor is working now, but I wouldn't
mind knowing exactly what went wrong.
Meanwhile, no it doesn't entirely make sense that the new link would
have caused the failure, but the only other possibili
" * Add link for RTL8192SU firmware
Create a link from RTL8192SU -> RTL8192SE as testing proved the same
firmware works for both.
- LP: #721356"
This change appears to have affected my EDIMAX EW-7811Un adaptor (RTL8188CUS
chipset). Seeks, but can't find the network.
Problem is s