Sorry, simply saying it's invalid isn't very helpful, especially for a
critical bug. How should the bug have been raised? What can we do to
raise it in the right place?
I've already tried raising a bug against the openjdk-r PPA, but just get
a message that openjdk-r isn't configured to receive bug
This is quite critical for us, and anyone else who has software with
dependencies on Java 8, since that software no longer installs on 14.04
and there is no workaround. The change that caused the problem is
actually in the openjdk package (which worked up until yesterday when
the change was made):
Just seen this after an upgrade on 14.04 LTS. I've also seen it
previously on 16.04 machines.
/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib/nvidia-375/ is not a symbolic link
/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib32/nvidia-375/ is not a symbolic link
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