Tim: You haven't got it quite right, I think. My experience is that you
need to change the SATA setting from IDE to RAID.
It is, as you say, a relatively easy workaround; but a number of people
appear worried about whether making that change will do damage, wipe
their hard disks, etc.
Dell I
I think it's a solution for some or all of the people whose machines DO
shutdown but after a long pause and a screen full of Network Manager
error messages. (And I assume it's a 'solution' only in the sense that
it stops the error messages being displayed.) It isn't going to make
shutdown possible
I take no credit for this - I read it on one of the Ubuntu forums - but
it solved this problem on both my Dell machines that were suffering from
1. Go to System - Administration - Login Window.
2. Under 'General', press "Edit commands ...'
3. Select 'Halt command' - in 'Path' box, cut the te
I have 3 systems here, all different Dell models, running Hardy final
release (2 upgraded from Gutsy, 1 a new install) and I don't get the
shutdown sound with any of them. All other sounds work and I had no
problem getting the shutdown sound with Gutsy.
Logout/Shutdown Sound Not Working In Har