As pointed out by Chris Dumont in the matching Debian bug:
the problem here is not the symlink, but the fact that the
from the examples directory is still using the old path, thus causing
the symlink to be used, whereas it can
@Michael Eklund Thanks for persisting in commenting on this bug -- it's
also present in Debian Squeeze (as one would expect from such a generic
@Florian M. The command I think he's suggesting is:
iwconfig wlan0 power on
As one can see in this (edited) output:
root@poker:~# iwconfig wl
The cause of this (assuming that it's the same bug as I've been tracking
in Debian Squeeze) is that the LVM data is on the disk, but the
partitions are not, so when it tries to look for pre-existing PVs it
finds none. Then it sets up the partitions, and assuming the partitions
are created in the s
It might be of interest to anyone packaging the IDE that I've started a
package of the bits needed to build any upload sketches without the IDE
-- Personally, I don't care for IDEs so wouldn't want to be responsible
for maintaining a package containing it, as I wouldn't be eating my own
dog food, b