Here are some more details about this, from the Tomcat 9.0 changelog:
Tomcat 9.0.33 introduces the fix:
> 64210: Correct a regression in the improvements to HTTP header
validation that caused requests to be incorrectly treated as i
For the record: This is still broken in Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa). It
breaks Ansible being able to support 20.04 in their official PPA.
Tracking ticket on the Ansible side:
It would be awesome if someone with the time and energy would do the
work su
One way to work around this until the package gets fixed in xenial is to
escape the % sign in the JAVA_OPTS string:
JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -Xloggc:/var/log/tomcat7/gc-\%t.log"
This has been tested and seems to make both the postinst script work, as
well as make the JVM include the timestamp in t
Note: as implied by Mathew Hodson, the tomcat7 package for Xenial has
_not_ yet been updated (because the package failed to build.)
(We started seeing this bug appearing on some servers after upgrading to
tomcat7, so I can personally verify that it's still present with
It woul
My data was from the wrong machine... Sorry. This is from the one where
the bug was originally posted:
ii libggi-target-monotext 2.0.5-1.1ubuntu2
General Graphics Interface plain text target
ii libmono-cecil0.3-cil0.3-1build1
It looks like below. I might have had mono installed from a 3rd party
repository ( earlier actually because I was running
Debian sarge which did not have a recent mono distribution. But all my
mono packages now seem to be up to date so it is probably a conffile
somewhere that shouldn