I too am seeing high processor usage with xorg. Although my system is a
ThinkPad T43 with ATi M300 ( and I have not loaded the ATi drivers,
unless Hardy did it for me ...). It get particularly bad when running a
browser ( opera or Firefox ). I am also not using compiz.
[Hardy] Xorg high CPU us
Hi. I think this may be related too : after upgrading yesterday to
Kubuntu 7.10 my mail bogofilter decided to put all of my mail ( from all
of my ids ) except for two items in to my local spam folder.
Disabling bogofilter within kmail alows all mail through.
if this so, this may well be a bogofil
Hi Nafallo. The existing sugarcrm that is available in the commercial
repo will be updated in due course, and the process of managing the
update through apt will be dicsussed with them. The nature of the
sugarcrm package is that there are many dependencies, and building the
new package may take som
Update : tried using the GA version of the Live CD - sound came forth
quite happily.
In my case I have a system that has been updated from Breezy - Dapper -
Edgy - Feisty I ownder if this has something to do with the
Has everyone else been through updates similarly ?
Just a thought
I guess in the panoply of Kopete bugs this is a small one, but it has to
easy to fix. Has anyone looked at it ?
kopete does not save server password in network configuration panel
kubuntu-bugs mailing list
I hope that this my bug will be a dup of this report. I have had the
same issue on my ThinkPad T43 - no sound from 2.6.20-9. Am up to latest
2.6.20-12, and have installed the latest Alsa driver ref'd above.
Still no sound.
I'm not sure that these days having no sound is a low impact bug though
hmm. No activity on this at all. 0.12.4 now comes with a coloured
interface, but it still does not fix the problem with the password. Any
one looked at this yet ??
kopete does not save server password in network configuration panel
kubuntu-bugs mailing lis