I do not know, have not installed the latest.
On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 11:56 PM, Fabio Marconi
> Hello
> Is this problem present with the latest updates ?
> Thanks
> Fabio
> ** Changed in: ubuntu
> Status: New => Incomplete
> --
> You received this bug notification because
. Good uck.
leons k
On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 12:25 AM, mirix wrote:
> I have been unable to install Linux Mint 9 64-bit (final release) from
> either de LiveCD or the LiveDVD edition.
> First, I had the problem with the monitor being put to sleep. Replacing
> the boot option "spl
I am not bugfixer, just the reporter of the but that hit me. But try two
things: 1) Try changing the video cable to another plug on the video card;
that one ditd the trick for me, or, 2) try the "Eureka" fix reported on the
UbuntuForum (scroll down almost to bottom of this message). Good uck.
hello Clem:
I just now changed the DVI cable on the card, from the top connector to the
lower one (Leadtek 9600GT). Mint 9RC live CD booted with no problem, loaded,
looked around. All seems good to go, so just a hardware connection
peculiarity not letting some signal through (my guess). Know this
screen, nothing. But
CD light stayed on for a little while; did not notice HD light.
leons k
On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 5:05 PM, Clement Lefebvre
> Marking as upstream.
> PS: Did you try the compatibility mode of the liveCD? Does this boot
> successfully?
> ** Cha