I have tried similar things (with the chromeos recovery images), but had
no luck either.
I have documented my attempts here:
Please do let me know if you get one of them working!
You receiv
@Ekimia that's awesome news.
Do you have a plan to distribute the package for the RaspberryPi 2
(armhf)? Once that's supported, it's the last piece in being able to
setup a home theatre with OSMC/Kodi/XBMC that has native Netflix support
You received this bug notification because you are a
After checking out @Shalin's SO post, I tried a user agent switcher (to
mimic Google Chrome) and it worked! Hurray!
Now I'm trying to find some armv7 builds of libwidevine*.so so I can get
it working on my RPi2 B.
Thanks again for the epic work everyone put into this :)
You received this bug
So I'm finally getting around to trying to use chrome's version of the
widevinecdm* plugins in chromium.
Unfortunately, I am getting a redirect loop on Netflix, but I'm not sure
if that's because the widevine plugins aren't working correctly or not.
I have installed v45 of both Chrome and Chromiu
Thanks for the version clarification. I'll have to wait for an ARM build
of v44 for my needs (the beta channel only has x86 & i686 versions).
As for the ARM versions of widevine libraries, I've spun that out into a
question on StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30732428
@Ekimia / @Chad - Are the attached .so files in #33 suitable to work on
an ARM system?
I am running Chromium v42.0.2311.135-1ubuntu1.1160 on armhf architecture
(from here: https://launchpad.net/~canonical-chromium-
builds/+archive/ubuntu/stage/+build/7387261), however I cannot get the
widevine plu