I believe I had tried that earlier... I don't have access to the card /
laptop now, but will try it out when I get a chance.
However, just as a smell test, the explanation about the firmware
loading makes more sense since ndiswrapper is loaded before
NetworkManager even starts and my dmesg log spi
Ok, one more update. I found something on the ndiswrapper mailing list
Apparently, the way the hardware is, it requires a power off to reset
the firmware. If you leave it in an
I tested the latest version 1.42 of ndiswrapper and it works now. I can
plug and unplug the dongle with sheer impunity and the driver doesn't
There is still one problem though: I cannot start the laptop with the
USB dongle in. I have to wait until I log in, then attach the dongle.
I'm having the same issue with an AirLink AWLL4030 (it uses the same
net5523 and athfwdl drivers.
It looks like ndiswrapper 1.39 fixed this issue though:
* An smp issue is fixed
* When initializing a card that