[Bug 89896] Re: [herd-5] no wlan0 device after loading ndiswrapper

2007-05-05 Thread Garo Yeriazarian
I believe I had tried that earlier... I don't have access to the card / laptop now, but will try it out when I get a chance. However, just as a smell test, the explanation about the firmware loading makes more sense since ndiswrapper is loaded before NetworkManager even starts and my dmesg log spi

[Bug 89896] Re: [herd-5] no wlan0 device after loading ndiswrapper

2007-04-16 Thread Garo Yeriazarian
Ok, one more update. I found something on the ndiswrapper mailing list archives: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=1163487957.19940.9.camel%40bds.jh1.ucs-software.co.za Apparently, the way the hardware is, it requires a power off to reset the firmware. If you leave it in an

[Bug 89896] Re: [herd-5] no wlan0 device after loading ndiswrapper

2007-04-16 Thread Garo Yeriazarian
I tested the latest version 1.42 of ndiswrapper and it works now. I can plug and unplug the dongle with sheer impunity and the driver doesn't crash. There is still one problem though: I cannot start the laptop with the USB dongle in. I have to wait until I log in, then attach the dongle. -- [h

[Bug 89896] Re: [herd-5] no wlan0 device after loading ndiswrapper

2007-04-15 Thread Garo Yeriazarian
I'm having the same issue with an AirLink AWLL4030 (it uses the same net5523 and athfwdl drivers. It looks like ndiswrapper 1.39 fixed this issue though: http://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.php?release_id=495978&group_id=93482 Changes: * An smp issue is fixed * When initializing a card that