I had the same problem. After a Jaunty install, I found that
/usr/bin/mlocate belonged to the ssl-cert group, clearly incorrect!
Reading the man page for locate, I found that locate (which is symlinked
to mlocate by default) must run as a set-gid mlocate (which means the
process automatic
I had a similar problem with a brand new install of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty)
with a French keyboard.
At the first boot, the keyboard mapping was US. I simply used the gnome-
keyboard-properties application to add a French layout and make it the
default. At this point, I had two keyboard layo
On Tuesday 23 December 2008 16:35, Gaetan Nadon -
> Thanks for responding. I am trying to assess if this is a valid bug in
> Ubuntu, I am not a developer. I've done a quick search for your mobo,
> and I got mixed results. Some claim it works and pass validation tests,
I have never been able to get the Asus M2N-E SLI motherboard to behave
reliably. Even if I complete an Ubuntu install, I get random reboots
during normal use (!). Nothing in the logs.
I "solved" my problem by banishing Asus mobos from my custom PCs and
using another motherboard. A shame, consideri
Did you ever do that test?
I have an M2N-E SLI motherboard and I had a similar problem. I wasn't able to
boot, much less install Linux. I changed my boot options to
quiet splash noacpi noapic nolapic acpi=off irqpoll
These boot parms allowed me to perform an Ubuntu 6.06 installatio