I have posted a message on the raspbian forum about webgl and netflix+chromium.
They say that h264 decoding using webgl is not feasible with netflix because of
the drm used:
If that's true this is really bad news becau
Just some news to inform you that mesa drivers have been included in the
official raspian dist since 09-02-2016:
Warning: You have to enable it through rasp-config(advanced settings->gl
options) and then reboot.
I'have test it on chro
Well I have downloaded the raspbian build with the drivers installed. Has to
install chromium version 47, change user-agent to arm chromeos, took widevine
from the chromeos recovery image provided by google as already explained.
I get netflix playing, chromium indicate there is a gpu accelerat
There is a possibility with webgl to acceleration decoding on pi2. This
requires to build and update the kernel:
I will first try to test the raspian build provided before diving into the
kernel build's hell.
BTW do not try to test if with a VNC server as it