Before reporting that you are seeing a duplicate accept in Tomcat please
ensure that:
* You are using a version of Linux with a kernel later than 5.10-rc6.
* You are using a version of Tomcat which is later than Tomcat 9.0.59,
and preferably greater than 9.0.63.
The bug is believed to be fixed w
I wrote to Ricardo Diaz & Eric Dumazet to ask if the patch for this bug
would be backported and it looks like the fix was made for the Linux
stable kernels very recently:
Eric Dumazet also mentioned that:
"the bug only happens if network
I wrote to Ricardo Diaz & Eric Dumazet to ask if the patch for this bug
would be backported and it looks like the fix was made for the Linux
stable kernels very recently:
Eric Dumazet also mentioned that:
"the bug only happens if network
Hi Mark,
Thanks for the reply and confirmation.
I was talking to a co-worker today about this bug and they pointed out
that even though it is fixed in the newer Linux kernel versions, Ubuntu
20.04 and 16.04 are under LTS until April 2025 and April 2023
It might be good to leave thi
After spending some time I think I have narrowed down the bug fix to
Linux kernel 5.10-rc6.
The bug reproed on Ubuntu with kernel 5.10-rc4 but not on 5.10-rc6.
Here is a diff of the kernel sources between those two versions:
We have been hitting this bug quite often while running Tomcat 8.5 on
Amazon AWS Linux 2 with a kernel of 4.14.268-205.500.amzn2.x86_64
I wanted to see if the bug could be reproduced using an updated kernel
so I attempted to repro it using the server code and methodology
provided by Mark Thomas on