Just for completion:
I just got a short answer from Kari Pahula pointing me to the
corresponding Debian bug report:
Looks like the issue has been already fixed there in the same way I fixed it.
Until now I accidentally that thought Debian
I will send a mail to Kari Pahula, which seems to be maintaining the tntnet
for Debian, and point him to this launchpad bug.
Maybe he will give us some insights on why he changed the default configuration
that way, review my changes and either adapt it to fix the tntnet Debian sque
for sure the suggested change is not the perfect solution and without any doubt
there are many better ways to achieve the goal.
Unfortunately I do not have the time to evaluate all possible options, I just
wanted to suggest a change to provide a default configuration (which is as
close t
Sorry, I was unable to find a way to edit my last posting:
> The default configuration in this packages is not xml format and
therefor different to the one where all the patches in the existing >
tntnet source deb package were built on.
I meant the default configuration file (etc/tntnet/tntnet.co
Upstream seems to be based on the following sources:
The default configuration in this packages is not xml format and
therefor different to the one where all the patches in the existing
tntnet source deb package were built on.
I chose to a
As requested, I have created a debdiff (my first debdiff so far) which
seems to fix this issue in our case.
** Patch added: "tntnet_2.0+dfsg1-2ubuntu1.debdiff"
My point was exactly the same as James mentioned, I had a server which
only has drbd0.7 and liked to upgrade it. But in my opinion, the is no
need to make it work in intrepid, but if drbd0.7 will be removed from
the distribution, this should be mentioned in the release notes, so that
people may be
Public bug reported:
Steps to reproduce:
- Set up a new system using Ubuntu Hardy Server Install-CD
- Install and start module-assistant
- Select the following menu options in this order: UPDATE, PREPARE (install
necessary packages), SELECT
- Select "drbd0.7-module", the the following menu optio