I think, wasting time dealing with undeletable reminders is an inconvenience
nobody needs.
To get rid of this, you need to downgrade on a backup, naturally always losing
changes made since then.
Exporting the buggy bunch and reimporting it into a clean installation results
in the same error.
(In reply to jockel from comment #32)
> I think, wasting time dealing with undeletable reminders is an inconvenience
> nobody needs.
> To get rid of this, you need to downgrade on a backup, naturally always
> losing changes made since then.
> Exporting the buggy bunch and reimporting it into a cl
I experience the same with TB 68.10.0 (64-bit) on Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon
Five local calendars are going crazy by reminding me of undeletable reminders,
many appointments are lost or cathegories altered & the like.
In the exported *.ics-file I find exactly the same X-LIC-ERROR.
Is there