Re: The Many, The Gay, The New Marines to Celebrate Gay Pride Month

2012-06-20 Thread Keith In Tampa
This is where Plain Ol puts on his blinders. He refuses to acknowledge that homosexuals have the same, identical rights and privileges as we do..The statement that "Gays can't get married" is, as you said Mark, patently false. They can marry anyone, just like I can, who will marry them. T

Re: The Many, The Gay, The New Marines to Celebrate Gay Pride Month

2012-06-20 Thread Mark
no they don't as gays aren't 'allowed' to get married. That is patently false and you well know it. Any man (Gay or not) may marry any woman... he so desires and that will agree. Gays and Straights alike are limited to this. The vast majority of the US population (for whatever reason and as evide

Re: The Many, The Gay, The New Marines to Celebrate Gay Pride Month

2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
Even I don't have that right... --- yes you do ... all you have to do is buy a permit If i choose to buy a permit the very same rules apply to me and the Gay guy... and they apply equally. --- no they don't as gays aren't 'allowed' to get married. it's the religious who persecute homosexuals. ag

Re: MINNESOTASTAN: Yes, it IS anti-Muslim hatred that rejected the mosque

2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
Islam has existed in America for centuries. Regardless of 911, Americans have seen first hand that muslims can co-exist with christians, jews, and a host of other religions without mass violence or civil wars. In fact, islam, jews and xians have, at times, co- existed in the middle east and around

Re: Texas Father Who Killed Daughter’s Pedophile Rapist Is Facing Homicide Charges

2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
if it was my child I would still question the killing before pulling the trigger ... and I'm an avid proponent of self defense and using deadly force to protect life AND property. in this case, the father tried to save the perp ... indicating that he didn't try to kill the man. again ... is kill


2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel I have a number of interlinked sites, as I have a number of interests. I study linguistic anomalies in the Dead Sea Scrolls. The (always tentative) conclusions that I have drawn about HaYachad (the Dead Sect) are innovative and controve


2012-06-20 Thread Visual Purple
THIS IS THE UN's REPORT ABOUT THE CHILD TRAFFICKING BUSINESS AND SOCIAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM TARGETING FAMILIES BEING RUN BY THE ISRAELI GOVT. A few months ago three police officers showed up at my door - two males and one female and told me that the Head of Investigations unit in Tzfat wanted me a

Re: Texas Father Who Killed Daughter’s Pedophile Rapist Is Facing Homicide Charges

2012-06-20 Thread geoffrey theist
if it was your child... On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 9:50 AM, plainolamerican wrote: > is killing a rapist justified? > > On Jun 18, 8:02 pm, Travis wrote: > > He should be given a $100,000 reward and a key to the city. > > > > ** > >New post on *Doctor Bulldog & Ronin* > >

Obama: Killer of Jobs, Divider of Races, Out-of-Control Spender and Now Destroyer of Forests

2012-06-20 Thread Travis
** New post on *Fellowship of the Minds* Obama: Killer of Jobs, Divider of Races, Out-of-Control Spender and Now Destroyer of Forests

City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, destroys woman’s edible landscaping with over 100 varieties of medicinal plants

2012-06-20 Thread Travis
** New post on *ACGR's "News with Attitude"* City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, destroys woman’s edible landscaping with over 100 varieties of medicinal plants by Harold

MINNESOTASTAN: Yes, it IS anti-Muslim hatred that rejected the mosque

2012-06-20 Thread Travis
** New post on *Bare Naked Islam* MINNESOTASTAN: Yes, it IS anti-Muslim hatred that rejected the mosqueby barenakedislam

Re: The Many, The Gay, The New Marines to Celebrate Gay Pride Month

2012-06-20 Thread Mark
to get married ... for starters Even I don't have that right... I have to buy a permit. If i choose to buy a permit the very same rules apply to me and the Gay guy... and they apply equally. Try again. On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 1:59 PM, plainolamerican wrote: > EXACTLY what "right" don't they hav

Re: Iran and the Bomb: A Fabricated Threat

2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
Iran and the Bomb: A Fabricated Threat --- by the same people who said Iraq had wmd's. know the enemy On Jun 20, 2:45 pm, MJ wrote: > Iran and the Bomb: A Fabricated ThreatJohn Glaser, June 20, 2012 > In the latest issue of Foreign Affairs, Kenneth N. Waltz arguesWhy Iran > Should Get the Bomb.

Re: Admin discipline recommended for troops involved in Quran burning

2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
just another pitfall in trying to civilize the animals in the middle east. fund your own charity work On Jun 20, 3:00 pm, Travis wrote: >  They should all be given commendations! ** ** Admin discipline > recommended for troops involved in Quran burning > > [image: Description: null]

Re: Justice–Texas Style !

2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
this is not an attempt to defend the muzzy is killing a rapist warranted? if so, then why aren't rapist executed? On Jun 20, 3:03 pm, Travis wrote: > ** >            New post on *Fellowship of the Minds* >  Justice–Texas > Style > !

Justice–Texas Style !

2012-06-20 Thread Travis
** New post on *Fellowship of the Minds* Justice–Texas Style !by Terry *EVEN JUSTICE IS BIGGE

Video: Muslim youth assault Christians at Dearborn Arab fest

2012-06-20 Thread Travis
** New post on *Creeping Sharia* Video: Muslim youth assault Christians at Dearborn Arab festby creeping

Re: What is Romney going to do

2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
great idea ... pit the mormons and muzzies against the xians and jews. this is going to be fun! On Jun 20, 2:47 pm, THE ANNOINTED ONE wrote: > And all Mitt has to say is that his church for over 20 years had a > moslim membership and "God Damn America" was often preached there. > > On Jun 20, 1:

User's Manual to Contempt of Congress

2012-06-20 Thread Travis
Note: US Attorney works for Holder. ** ** "Contempt of Congress" sounds real impressive. But look at the punishment, at least according to this article. Nothing more than a misdemeanor punishment.

Re: The Many, The Gay, The New Marines to Celebrate Gay Pride Month

2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
EXACTLY what "right" don't they have that I do ?? --- to get married ... for starters On Jun 20, 2:42 pm, Mark wrote: > they want the same rights ... not more rights > > EXACTLY what "right" don't they have that I do ?? This is one question no > one on the pro Gay side has ever been able to answe


2012-06-20 Thread Travis What is capitalism? When I say “capitalism,” I mean a full, pure, uncontrolled, unregulated laissez-faire capitalism—with a separation of state and economics, in the same way and for the sam

Re: What is Romney going to do

2012-06-20 Thread THE ANNOINTED ONE
And all Mitt has to say is that his church for over 20 years had a moslim membership and "God Damn America" was often preached there. On Jun 20, 1:05 pm, plainolamerican wrote: > if O goes after the xian vote decrying the absurdity of mormonism? > >

Rand Paul’s Oedipal Drama

2012-06-20 Thread MJ
Rand Paul’s Oedipal Drama Ron vs. Rand: a study in betrayal by Justin Raimondo, June 18, 2012 Every time Rand Paul opens his mouth, he seems to put both feet and a couple of other appendages in it. There was that unfortunate interview with Rachel Maddow, there was the “ couldn’t get any gayer”

Iran and the Bomb: A Fabricated Threat

2012-06-20 Thread MJ
Iran and the Bomb: A Fabricated Threat John Glaser, June 20, 2012 In the latest issue of Foreign Affairs, Kenneth N. Waltz argues “ Why Iran Should Get the Bomb.” The article is a welcome example of calm and sobriety in what is mostly a sea of irrational pro-war hysterics. Waltz argues that the

Re: The Secession Solution

2012-06-20 Thread NoEinstein
Keith: My New Constitution will forever get government out of our bedrooms! Marriages won't require licenses; they will be contracts. The only thing WRONG with gay "marriage" is their taking away of the colloquial heterosexual definition of the word. My New Constitution coins the descriptive wor

Re: The Many, The Gay, The New Marines to Celebrate Gay Pride Month

2012-06-20 Thread Mark
they want the same rights ... not more rights EXACTLY what "right" don't they have that I do ?? This is one question no one on the pro Gay side has ever been able to answer... On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 12:45 PM, plainolamerican wrote: > If you think that I am some type of Bible thumping zealot,

What is Romney going to do

2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
if O goes after the xian vote decrying the absurdity of mormonism? even more explicit -- Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups. For options &

Re: A Biblical Threat to National Security

2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
I've yet to see any of these "recent" Christians forcing their religious beliefs upon the rest of Americans --- the persecution of muslims and homosexuals is promoted to Americans by christians. 'recent' enough for you? On Jun 20, 10:27 am, Keith In Tampa wrote: > I've yet to see any of these "r

Re: MSNBC host says, “9/11 gave America a chance to turn those who are committing terrorism against us into imagined racial enemies”

2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
Melissa Harris-Perry, whose father is black and mother is a white, ex- mormon, said, “I’ve never thought of myself as biracial,” Harris-Perry says. “I’m black.” right ... she's about as black as O On Jun 20, 11:04 am, Travis wrote: > One very sick puppy. > > ** >            New post on *Bare Nak

Re: The Many, The Gay, The New Marines to Celebrate Gay Pride Month

2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
If you think that I am some type of Bible thumping zealot, you are very much mistaken. --- did I imply that you are? I find it somewhat humorous, but mostly disturbing that folks like you get your drawers all up in a wad over Christians, --- accusation noted and completely false and that we are

Suds for dogs!

2012-06-20 Thread Travis
** New post on *Fellowship of the Minds* Suds for dogs!by DCG

‘Constitution-free zones’ and the government’s favorite drug cartel

2012-06-20 Thread Travis
** New post on *ACGR's "News with Attitude"* ‘Constitution-free zones’ and the government’s favorite drug cartelby Harold Brasscheck TV 6/20/2012 T

Re: You've scheduled: Bruce Majors for Congress fundraiser

2012-06-20 Thread Travis
If I were still living in DC you would have my vote. On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 10:14 AM, Bruce Majors wrote: > > > -- Forwarded message -- > From: *Meetup* > Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 > Subject: You've scheduled: Bruce Majors for Congress fundraiser > To:

Re: A Biblical Threat to National Security

2012-06-20 Thread Keith In Tampa
I've yet to see any of these "recent" Christians forcing their religious beliefs upon the rest of Americans.Please, by all means, give us somem examples! (And actually, I can think of a couple; but not anything in the last seventy-five or one hundred years) Michael, I don't even understand w

Re: The Many, The Gay, The New Marines to Celebrate Gay Pride Month

2012-06-20 Thread Keith In Tampa
Plain Ol, If you think that I am some type of Bible thumping zealot, you are very much mistaken. I am a Christian, and have not a problem admitting to that, or being ashamed of my, "Faith", (and I emphasize that "Faith" is the operative word there). I'm not, "Fishing For Men"; I'm not out on

Fwd: You've scheduled: Bruce Majors for Congress fundraiser

2012-06-20 Thread Bruce Majors
-- Forwarded message -- From: *Meetup* Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 Subject: You've scheduled: Bruce Majors for Congress fundraiser To: [image: Meetup] You're confirmed! Bruce Majors for Congress fundraiser

Re: Being 'Born-Again' Linked to More Brain Atrophy

2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
no .. it's the religious myth believers like you they are describing. On Jun 20, 1:46 am, Keith In Tampa wrote: > *"According to the study, people who said they were a "born-again" > Protestant or Catholic, or conversely, those who had no religious > affiliation, had more hippocampal shrinkage (o

Re: The Many, The Gay, The New Marines to Celebrate Gay Pride Month

2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
It's just a matter of time before the lid blows off of this whole fraud. --- you're right ... the religious in the military need to be muzzled like rabid dogs. the military is going to say enough --- and American will tell them to stfu or get out. DADT is the best that the religious in the milit

Re: Fwd: GOProud Endorses Mitt Romney!

2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
funny gays supporting repubs for a better government On Jun 20, 9:17 am, Bruce Majors wrote: > -- Forwarded message -- > From: *GOProud* > Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 > Subject: GOProud Endorses Mitt Romney! > To: Bruce Majors > >  

Re: Romney advisor, Walid Phares, on the radical Islamist takeover of the Middle East

2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
**Phares is a Lebanese Christian* with a grudge against muzzies just the kind of 'influence' that our president should have ... again UPDATED: Were Walid Phares Jewish, He’d Be A Pharisee Dr. Walid Phares is the Fox News Channel’s Middle East and Terrorism Expert. He has been advocating a

Fwd: GOProud Endorses Mitt Romney!

2012-06-20 Thread Bruce Majors
-- Forwarded message -- From: *GOProud* Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 Subject: GOProud Endorses Mitt Romney! To: Bruce Majors GOProud Endorses Governor Mitt Romney for

Re: In Response to Emails About My Dog...

2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
I like it! On Jun 20, 2:33 am, Travis wrote: >    *In response to E-Mails about my dog.* > >    *Please be advised, I am sick and tired of answering questions about my > dog,** **who mauled six people wearing** **Obama tee shirts,** **four > wearing Pelosi tee shirts, **two Democrats, nine te

Re: New NASA discovery reveals mystery beneath Arctic ice (+video)]

2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
"The idea that phytoplankton can not only bloom under 3-foot-thick ice but that they can reach numbers that put their open-water counterparts to shame was a complete surprise," Arrigo told OurAmazingPlanet. "It means we have to rethink many of our ideas about how the Arctic Ocean ecosystems functio

Re: A Biblical Threat to National Security

2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
Aren't the false idols, gods and other such ... at least curious ... or do you support/affirm them? --- man's imagination is limitless On Jun 20, 8:46 am, MJ wrote: > Aren't the false idols, gods and other such ... at least curious ... or do > you support/affirm them? > Regard$, > --MJ > Keep in

Re: An Open Letter to Ron Paul

2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
please explain what your beef is. OK? --- I don't like the idea of limiting free speech. Free speech applies to the political arena also. Trying to silence political endorsements is not possible. if we want to remove 'unwanted' influence we should eliminate the lobbyists ability to convince, exto

Re: A Biblical Threat to National Security

2012-06-20 Thread MJ
Aren't the false idols, gods and other such ... at least curious ... or do you support/affirm them? Regard$, --MJ Keep in your eye the opposite pretensions First, of those who say he was begotten by God, born of a virgin, suspended and reversed the laws of Nature at will, and ascended bodily int

Re: A Biblical Threat to National Security

2012-06-20 Thread plainolamerican
secularists once again forcing their political correctness upon the rest of Americans. --- as opposed to christians forcing their religious beliefs upon the rest of Americans On Jun 20, 5:33 am, Keith In Tampa wrote: > I wonder if the United States Armed Services "authorized"  a Q'uoran, or > any

Re: A Biblical Threat to National Security

2012-06-20 Thread Keith In Tampa
I wonder if the United States Armed Services "authorized" a Q'uoran, or any other religious works? I note that since this bru-ha-ha started, the military has since discontinued the "authorization" of the use of the military symbols on the Holman Bible. Much ado about nothing, and a bunch of sec

Re: An Open Letter to Ron Paul

2012-06-20 Thread NoEinstein
Dear plainol...: I know from your past support that you don't disagree with the totality of my New Constitution. What I suspect you think "SUCKS" is the fact that you now get recreational enjoyment hearing the 24/7 back-and-forth between liberals and conservatives, and you don't want your recreat

New NASA discovery reveals mystery beneath Arctic ice (+video)]

2012-06-20 Thread Travis New NASA discovery reveals mystery beneath Arctic ice (+video) New NASA discovery: Researchers funded by NASA were surprised to discover phytoplankton blooms flourishing under thick layers of Arctic ice, upending preconce

Romney advisor, Walid Phares, on the radical Islamist takeover of the Middle East

2012-06-20 Thread Travis
** New post on *Bare Naked Islam* Romney advisor, Walid Phares, on the radical Islamist takeover of the Middle Eastby barenaked