Theodore Ts'o wrote:
It's me again, finding only one issue per cycle :/
> EAGAIN The requested entropy was not available, and
> getentropy(2) would have blocked if GRND_BLOCK flag
> was set.
"if GRND_NONBLOCK flag was not set"
> EAGAIN The requested entropy was not available, and the
> getentropy(2) would have blocked if GRND_BLOCK flag
> was set.
I think either "and the call to getentropy(2)" or "and getentropy(2)" here.
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Theodore Ts'o wrote:
> The system call getrandom() fills the buffer pointed to by buf
> with up to buflen random bytes which can be used to seed user
> space random number generators (i.e., DRBG's) or for other
> cryptographic processes. It should not be u