Re: Maven Dependency Plugin - Log4j vulnerabilities

2022-03-04 Thread Piotr Żygieło
> No log4j:1.2.12:jar is downloaded in that reproducer. log4j/log4j is excluded by commons-logging from

Re: Maven Dependency Plugin - Log4j vulnerabilities

2022-03-02 Thread Piotr Żygieło
On Thu, 3 Mar 2022 at 08:37, Thomas Matthijs wrote: > > Can confirm this project downloads log4j 1.12.12 for me As I see it - you confirm something else. > Failed to read artifact descriptor for log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.12: Failed to read artifact descriptor for log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.12: _artifact des

Re: Maven Dependency Plugin - Log4j vulnerabilities

2022-03-02 Thread John Patrick
You might need to raise a bug with your security scanner regarding false positives. So your dependency tree I only see log4j 2.17.1; i.e. Your Pom - org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web:2.6.4 -- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web:2.6.4 --- org.springframework.boot:spring

Re: Maven Dependency Plugin - Log4j vulnerabilities

2022-03-02 Thread Jaladi, Venumadhav
Hi, Below I am pasting some of the information on the 3 vulnerabilities from our report. FYI, I removed the information about the server details and also trimmed the file path. This report is generated by the Tenable agent. Severity scandate Vuln Name Description Summary Fix CVE ID CVS Base Sco

Re: Maven Dependency Plugin - Log4j vulnerabilities

2022-02-28 Thread Juraj Veverka
Hi David Just for clarification: we are not relying on the maven dependency plugin at runtime. Our runtime is perfectly clear of log4j vulnerabilities. The problem is that our security scanners are scanning gitlab runner nodes (virtual machines on which we compile and package our application) and

Re: Maven Dependency Plugin - Log4j vulnerabilities

2022-02-28 Thread Enrico Olivelli
Juraj, I have run this command on your reproducer and in "tmp" I cannot find log4j versions other then 2.17.1 mvn clean install -X -Dmaven.repo.local=tmp > out.txt Enrico Il giorno lun 28 feb 2022 alle ore 13:52 Juraj Veverka ha scritto: > > Hi David > > Many thanks for your email, I really app

Re: Maven Dependency Plugin - Log4j vulnerabilities

2022-02-28 Thread Juraj Veverka
Hi David Many thanks for your email, I really appreciate your reply. This is an isolated example of the problem. You can find all repro steps there. In case of any questions, feel free to contact me. Kind regards Juraj Veverka On Mon, Feb 28, 20

Re: Maven Dependency Plugin - Log4j vulnerabilities

2022-02-28 Thread David Milet
Where I work we decided to address log4j vulnerabilities only for components directly used by the application and actually performing logging. We ignored transitive dependencies and maven plug-ins. I’m curious about this use case from Venu though, what application would rely on the maven dependen

Re: Maven Dependency Plugin - Log4j vulnerabilities

2022-02-28 Thread Slawomir Jaranowski
Hi, Please provide more information, like plugin, mven, os version. We also need an example project which reproduces your issue. When we can't reproduce we can't help. pon., 28 lut 2022 o 08:55 Jaladi, Venumadhav napisał(a): > Hi team, > > Can I expect any response? Is this the right email ad

Re: Maven Dependency Plugin - Log4j vulnerabilities

2022-02-27 Thread Jaladi, Venumadhav
Hi team, Can I expect any response? Is this the right email address for my question? Thanks, Venu On Thu, Feb 24, 2022 at 6:47 AM Jaladi, Venumadhav <> wrote: > Hi team, > > We are using the Maven Dependency Plugin in one of our projects and our > scanning tools

Maven Dependency Plugin - Log4j vulnerabilities

2022-02-27 Thread Jaladi, Venumadhav
Hi team, We are using the Maven Dependency Plugin in one of our projects and our scanning tools are showing multiple vulnerabilities related to Log4j (CVE-2019-17571, CVE-2020-9488, CVE-2022-23302, CVE-2022-23305, CVE-2022-23307 and CVE-2021-4104). We would like to know if there are any plans to