Petr Kozelka commented on SCM-541:

Hello Kathryn,

I just tested your suggested option - see 

It shows that it causes git to *create an empty commit* , but that is not a 
no-op and I believe it should not be used.

Instead, I think the output should be parsed for string "nothing to commit 
(working directory clean)" when git fails and used for the no-op case.

> GitExe commit should include --allow-empty option
> -------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: SCM-541
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SCM-541
>             Project: Maven SCM
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: maven-scm-provider-git
>            Reporter: Kathryn Huxtable
>            Priority: Minor
> Without it, git returns a status of 1 when there is nothing to commit. This 
> makes the wagon-scm and other processes that depend on this being a no-op 
> fail.
> I think that git should not fail on an empty commit, and adding the 
> --allow-empty option on commits would achieve that.

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