Re: [PR] [MNG-7982] Make classicTransitive the default depMgr [maven]

2023-12-20 Thread via GitHub
cstamas commented on PR #1357: URL: ITs look good. And thinking more about this, this should be maybe just a boolean flag? `classic(transitive)`? As I would leave out completely the "transitive" and the "default" as t

Re: [PR] [MNG-7982] Make classicTransitive the default depMgr [maven]

2023-12-20 Thread via GitHub
cstamas commented on PR #1357: URL: I see no difference to what happens if you use two libs that declare different version on some artifact, really. And depMgt (_unlike BOM imports_) let it all to you to sort it out in "maven

Re: [PR] [MNG-7982] Make classicTransitive the default depMgr [maven]

2023-12-20 Thread via GitHub
rmannibucau commented on PR #1357: URL: @cstamas right, now consider 2 lib authors for your project (3rd maven build to make it clear) and also maven 3 consumers (let's ignore 2, agree), it becomes a mess for us :( -- This

Re: [PR] [MNG-7982] Make classicTransitive the default depMgr [maven]

2023-12-20 Thread via GitHub
cstamas commented on PR #1357: URL: IMO, this change -- if goes in -- will just make POMs _simpler_ and not _more complex_. Essentially what this makes possible is that lib author (whos lib is used somewhere deep in your proj

Re: [PR] [MNG-7982] Make classicTransitive the default depMgr [maven]

2023-12-20 Thread via GitHub
rmannibucau commented on PR #1357: URL: @cstamas I understand that and ultimately I hope we reach your proposal I do like, but I don't want to be at the cost of making builds more complex and user most lost, this is how I end

Re: [PR] [MNG-7982] Make classicTransitive the default depMgr [maven]

2023-12-20 Thread via GitHub
cstamas commented on PR #1357: URL: And as regarding "blowing", lets see what ITs has to say. Also we could maybe add IT for -- This is an automated message from the Apach

Re: [PR] [MNG-7982] Make classicTransitive the default depMgr [maven]

2023-12-20 Thread via GitHub
cstamas commented on PR #1357: URL: This setting cannot be per dependency, at least resolver does not support that. The depMgr is set per session. And what current PR changes is really only this: are depMgt sections obeyed on

Re: [PR] [MNG-7982] Make classicTransitive the default depMgr [maven]

2023-12-20 Thread via GitHub
rmannibucau commented on PR #1357: URL: What I worry about it is the fact we are moving the current issues a step further but I don't understand yet how it does fix anything, this kind of configuration looks per dependency, s

Re: [PR] [MNG-7982] Make classicTransitive the default depMgr [maven]

2023-12-20 Thread via GitHub
gnodet commented on PR #1357: URL: > Hi @cstamas , what is the plan to identify mvn 4 consumed artifacts to switch the impl, using the mvn4 specific pom metadata file? in current state it breaks probably too easily IMHO and I

Re: [PR] [MNG-7982] Make classicTransitive the default depMgr [maven]

2023-12-20 Thread via GitHub
cstamas commented on PR #1357: URL: @rmannibucau this PR is draft on purpose. Actually, I'd say "consider all resolver related Maven PRs draft" I do, as am just throwing ideas or missing Maven features, to improve use of (so