Daniel Cruver created MDEP-884:
Summary: go-offline goal should have an option to ignore failures
on optional dependencies
Key: MDEP-884
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MDEP-884
Project: Mave
Daniel Cruver created MNG-6319:
Summary: Allow for building of the whole project multiple times
(with different phases/goals/lifecycles) but with one command
Key: MNG-6319
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/
Daniel Cruver commented on MNG-5885:
A potential solution to this is to detect when phas
Daniel Cruver created MJAR-242:
Summary: When building an empty project with mvn clean install
deploy it will fail because it executes maven-jar-plugin twice with "have to
use classifier" error.
Key: MJAR-242
Daniel Cruver commented on SUREFIRE-1088:
No problem. Thanks for looking into it with t
Daniel Cruver commented on SUREFIRE-1088:
true // This is the settings that the
Daniel Cruver commented on SUREFIRE-1088:
I believe this issue still effects 2.17. We g
Daniel Cruver created SUREFIRE-1088:
Summary: When test fail during initialization the test execution
time can result in a large negative number.
Key: SUREFIRE-1088
URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SUREFIR