Christian Goetze commented on MCHECKSTYLE-31:
I've been trying to get this to work for some time, and I can't
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2456?page=comments#action_84865 ]
Christian Goetze commented on MNG-2456:
I would like to see a fix that does not involve adding extra configuration
items to the assembly... whatever happened to "conve
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-624?page=comments#action_84785 ]
Christian Goetze commented on MNG-624:
I would like to add my support for allowing the use of ${...} in the
... sections. I just fail to see any downside to it, and it
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MCOMPILER-21?page=comments#action_84589 ]
Christian Goetze commented on MCOMPILER-21:
3) Track inventory. If files are removed, remove associated class files and
force jar repacking/
4) Track timestam