[jira] Issue Comment Edited: (MNG-4414) "ERROR: M2_HOME is set to an invalid directory" Again ???

2009-11-09 Thread JIRA
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-4414?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=197787#action_197787 ] Boda Béla edited comment on MNG-4414 at 11/10/09 1:14 AM: -- Yes that was the pr

[jira] Commented: (MNG-4414) "ERROR: M2_HOME is set to an invalid directory" Again ???

2009-11-09 Thread JIRA
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-4414?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=197787#action_197787 ] Boda Béla commented on MNG-4414: Yes that was the problem. But why is it needed? I simply removed that

[jira] Created: (SUREFIRE-580) Allow "fail fast" or stop running on first failure

2009-11-09 Thread Paul Curren (JIRA)
Allow "fail fast" or stop running on first failure -- Key: SUREFIRE-580 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SUREFIRE-580 Project: Maven Surefire Issue Type: New Feature Components: J

[jira] Commented: (MRELEASE-497) Don't overwrite SVN auth cache

2009-11-09 Thread Lenik (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRELEASE-497?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=197781#action_197781 ] Lenik commented on MRELEASE-497: I hate JIRA, all the operation buttons is on the left bar, when I

[jira] Updated: (MNG-3004) Allow build lifecycle to execute projects in parallel

2009-11-09 Thread Dan Fabulich (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-3004?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Dan Fabulich updated MNG-3004: -- Summary: Allow build lifecycle to execute projects in parallel (was: Allow build lifecycle to execute tasks in

[jira] Closed: (MCHECKSTYLE-122) Add Portuguese (Brazil) translation

2009-11-09 Thread Dennis Lundberg (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MCHECKSTYLE-122?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Dennis Lundberg closed MCHECKSTYLE-122. --- Resolution: Fixed Fixed in [r834272|http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=834272&view=rev].

[jira] Created: (MEV-645) Bad Checksum: JTA 1.0.1B

2009-11-09 Thread Scott Parkerson (JIRA)
Bad Checksum: JTA 1.0.1B Key: MEV-645 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MEV-645 Project: Maven Evangelism Issue Type: Bug Components: Checksum Failure Reporter: Scott Parkerson Found on URL

[jira] Updated: (MCHECKSTYLE-122) Add Portuguese (Brazil) translation

2009-11-09 Thread Dennis Lundberg (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MCHECKSTYLE-122?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Dennis Lundberg updated MCHECKSTYLE-122: Affects Version/s: 2.3 Fix Version/s: 2.4 Assignee: Dennis Lundb

[jira] Closed: (WAGON-290) Lightweight HTTPS wagon doesn't reset proxy settings correctly if they were not previously set

2009-11-09 Thread Benjamin Bentmann (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/WAGON-290?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Benjamin Bentmann closed WAGON-290. --- Resolution: Fixed Fix Version/s: 1.0-beta-7 Assignee: Benjamin Bentmann Fixed in [r8

[jira] Created: (WAGON-290) Lightweight HTTPS wagon doesn't reset proxy settings correctly if they were not previously set

2009-11-09 Thread Benjamin Bentmann (JIRA)
Lightweight HTTPS wagon doesn't reset proxy settings correctly if they were not previously set -- Key: WAGON-290 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/WAGON-290

[jira] Updated: (MANTTASKS-165) Ant tasks in antrun plugin - IT failing with Maven 3

2009-11-09 Thread Paul Gier (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MANTTASKS-165?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Paul Gier updated MANTTASKS-165: Description: When building the Maven ant tasks with Maven 3-alpha-3. The integration test (running an

[jira] Updated: (MANTTASKS-165) Ant tasks in antrun plugin - IT failing with Maven 3

2009-11-09 Thread Paul Gier (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MANTTASKS-165?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Paul Gier updated MANTTASKS-165: Summary: Ant tasks in antrun plugin - IT failing with Maven 3 (was: Maven Ant Tasks IT failing with M

[jira] Created: (MANTTASKS-165) Maven Ant Tasks IT failing with Maven 3

2009-11-09 Thread Paul Gier (JIRA)
Maven Ant Tasks IT failing with Maven 3 --- Key: MANTTASKS-165 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MANTTASKS-165 Project: Maven 2.x Ant Tasks Issue Type: Bug Reporter: Paul Gier Attac

[jira] Commented: (SCM-333) Continuum ignores a new given password for a cvs account until the cvsroot is also changed

2009-11-09 Thread Andrei Solntsev (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SCM-333?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=197756#action_197756 ] Andrei Solntsev commented on SCM-333: - We also have this issue not only in Continuum, but in command

[jira] Commented: (SUREFIRE-579) Maven Surefire Plugin don't run JUnit tests if TestNG in dependencies

2009-11-09 Thread Jim Showalter (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SUREFIRE-579?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=197747#action_197747 ] Jim Showalter commented on SUREFIRE-579: We have encountered the same problem, but for JUni

[jira] Commented: (MAVENUPLOAD-2651) Please re-upload javax.ws.rs:jsr311-api:*:1.1 on http://repo2.maven.org/maven2/ from http://download.java.net/maven/2/

2009-11-09 Thread Jakub Podlesak (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MAVENUPLOAD-2651?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=197740#action_197740 ] Jakub Podlesak commented on MAVENUPLOAD-2651: - Carlos, As you suggested, we have

[jira] Closed: (MNG-4221) Push all repository/artifact related code into a legacy module and create a backward compat layer for external consumers

2009-11-09 Thread Benjamin Bentmann (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-4221?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Benjamin Bentmann closed MNG-4221. -- Resolution: Fixed Dependency relation between maven-compat and maven-core has been reversed. > Push al

[jira] Commented: (MNG-2017) Dependencies with scope system and version range make the build fail

2009-11-09 Thread Paul Benedict (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2017?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=197720#action_197720 ] Paul Benedict commented on MNG-2017: Can I be the devil's advocate and ask why a system dependency

[jira] Created: (MNG-4431) Separate mirror settings for repositories vs. pluginRepositories

2009-11-09 Thread Paul Gier (JIRA)
Separate mirror settings for repositories vs. pluginRepositories Key: MNG-4431 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-4431 Project: Maven 2 Issue Type: New Feature

[jira] Created: (MNGSITE-101) Update 5 min tutorial to use archetype:generate

2009-11-09 Thread Haikal Saadh (JIRA)
Update 5 min tutorial to use archetype:generate --- Key: MNGSITE-101 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNGSITE-101 Project: Maven 2 Project Web Site Issue Type: Improvement Reporter:

[jira] Commented: (SCM-333) Continuum ignores a new given password for a cvs account until the cvsroot is also changed

2009-11-09 Thread Geert Pante (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SCM-333?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=197703#action_197703 ] Geert Pante commented on SCM-333: - We're having the same issue, also in Continuum. We're using cvs nati

[jira] Updated: (MPMD-106) Externalize messages for i18n

2009-11-09 Thread Taciano Tres (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPMD-106?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Taciano Tres updated MPMD-106: -- Attachment: pmd-report_pt_BR.properties cpd-report_pt_BR.properties Attaching the properties fi

[jira] Updated: (MCHECKSTYLE-122) Externalize messages for i18n

2009-11-09 Thread Taciano Tres (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MCHECKSTYLE-122?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Taciano Tres updated MCHECKSTYLE-122: - Attachment: checkstyle-report_pt_BR.properties Attaching the properties file with pt_BR me

[jira] Commented: (MCHECKSTYLE-122) Externalize messages for i18n

2009-11-09 Thread Taciano Tres (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MCHECKSTYLE-122?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=197695#action_197695 ] Taciano Tres commented on MCHECKSTYLE-122: -- I was talking about rules names, descriptio

[jira] Commented: (MDEP-85) excludeScope=test doesn't work

2009-11-09 Thread Kees de Kooter (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MDEP-85?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=197693#action_197693 ] Kees de Kooter commented on MDEP-85: A workaround might be provided by the first comment in http://

[jira] Commented: (MAVENUPLOAD-2582) JasperReports 3.6.0 upload

2009-11-09 Thread Marco Noto (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MAVENUPLOAD-2582?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=197681#action_197681 ] Marco Noto commented on MAVENUPLOAD-2582: - Hi Teodor. Thank you. I will check every day

[jira] Commented: (SCM-480) "mvn scm:status" doesn't show modified file

2009-11-09 Thread Matteo Collina (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SCM-480?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=197679#action_197679 ] Matteo Collina commented on SCM-480: Is the specified patch applied in the latest snapshot? Right n