[jira] Commented: (MCLOVER-79) Error when excluding all java files in a module

2007-09-18 Thread Tom Davies (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MCLOVER-79?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#action_107705 ] Tom Davies commented on MCLOVER-79: --- This patch has been applied to 3.0-beta-3 of the com.atlassian.maven.plugins version

[jira] Commented: (MCLOVER-80) aggregate is not respecting the true module hierarchy and creates merged databases containing non-sibling data

2007-09-18 Thread Tom Davies (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MCLOVER-80?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#action_107704 ] Tom Davies commented on MCLOVER-80: --- This patch has been applied to 3.0-beta-3 of the com.atlassian.maven.plugins version

[jira] Created: (MNG-3216) maven profile activation does not work through parent inheritance

2007-09-18 Thread tony nys (JIRA)
maven profile activation does not work through parent inheritance - Key: MNG-3216 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-3216 Project: Maven 2 Issue Type: Bug Compon

[jira] Updated: (SUREFIRE-345) TestNG test fail with IllegalARgumentExceptoin

2007-09-18 Thread Ben Sommerville (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SUREFIRE-345?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Ben Sommerville updated SUREFIRE-345: - Attachment: SUREFIRE-345-2.patch Slightly better patch that removes extra spaces from propert

[jira] Created: (MRM-510) In Repository Browse, the first unique snapshot version clicked is getting persisted in the request resulting to 'version does not match' error

2007-09-18 Thread Maria Odea Ching (JIRA)
In Repository Browse, the first unique snapshot version clicked is getting persisted in the request resulting to 'version does not match' error ---

[jira] Commented: (MRM-510) In Repository Browse, the first unique snapshot version clicked is getting persisted in the request resulting to 'version does not match' error

2007-09-18 Thread Maria Odea Ching (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRM-510?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#action_107699 ] Maria Odea Ching commented on MRM-510: -- See http://www.nabble.com/Snapshot-Browse-Failure%3A-*-beta-2-release-tf4475201s17

[jira] Commented: (ARCHETYPE-70) Add project description as a mojo parameter

2007-09-18 Thread Michael Heuer (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/ARCHETYPE-70?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#action_107698 ] Michael Heuer commented on ARCHETYPE-70: What about the fix for the current version? The patch provided is very si

[jira] Created: (MAVENUPLOAD-1726) OpenDS Directory Server

2007-09-18 Thread Jasper Blues (JIRA)
OpenDS Directory Server --- Key: MAVENUPLOAD-1726 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MAVENUPLOAD-1726 Project: maven-upload-requests Issue Type: Improvement Reporter: Jasper Blues Attachments: openD

[jira] Updated: (MNG-2123) NullPointerException when a dependency uses version range and another uses an actual version incompatible with that range

2007-09-18 Thread Jason van Zyl (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2123?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Jason van Zyl updated MNG-2123: --- Fix Version/s: (was: 2.0.x) 2.0.8 > NullPointerException when a dependency uses versio

[jira] Commented: (ARCHETYPE-103) acrchetype.properties should be in /target not root

2007-09-18 Thread Brian Fox (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/ARCHETYPE-103?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#action_107686 ] Brian Fox commented on ARCHETYPE-103: - if there is an existing project it should default to project.getOutputDirector

[jira] Updated: (MNG-3215) Missing rar artifact handler descriptor

2007-09-18 Thread Emmanuel Venisse (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-3215?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Emmanuel Venisse updated MNG-3215: -- Summary: Missing rar artifact handler descriptor (was: Missing artifact handler descriptor) > Missing

[jira] Moved: (MNG-3215) Missing artifact handler descriptor

2007-09-18 Thread Emmanuel Venisse (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-3215?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Emmanuel Venisse moved MRAR-16 to MNG-3215: --- Affects Version/s: (was: 2.2) 2.0.7 Key:

[jira] Closed: (MNG-3215) Missing rar artifact handler descriptor

2007-09-18 Thread Emmanuel Venisse (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-3215?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Emmanuel Venisse closed MNG-3215. - Assignee: Emmanuel Venisse Resolution: Fixed Fix Version/s: 2.0.8 fixed in r.577019 > M

[jira] Commented: (MECLIPSE-111) Additional webResources are not added to the component list when using WTP projects generation

2007-09-18 Thread Mike Youngstrom (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MECLIPSE-111?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#action_107675 ] Mike Youngstrom commented on MECLIPSE-111: -- Count me in with another plea to fix this. > Additional webResources

[jira] Commented: (MNG-2216) Add default encodings section to POM

2007-09-18 Thread Carlos Sanchez (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2216?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#action_107673 ] Carlos Sanchez commented on MNG-2216: - if this involves a change to the pom schema has to be postponed to 2.1 > Add defaul

[jira] Closed: (MAVENUPLOAD-1693) Upload truezip

2007-09-18 Thread Carlos Sanchez (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MAVENUPLOAD-1693?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Carlos Sanchez closed MAVENUPLOAD-1693. --- Resolution: Fixed seems that the owner of domain and java net author are the same >

[jira] Closed: (MAVENUPLOAD-1705) Sync script with cedarsoft.eu

2007-09-18 Thread Carlos Sanchez (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MAVENUPLOAD-1705?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Carlos Sanchez closed MAVENUPLOAD-1705. --- Resolution: Fixed > Sync script with cedarsoft.eu > - > >

[jira] Commented: (ARCHETYPE-70) Add project description as a mojo parameter

2007-09-18 Thread Jeff Black (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/ARCHETYPE-70?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#action_107665 ] Jeff Black commented on ARCHETYPE-70: - I would find it more flexible to be able to accept any arbitarty command line p

[jira] Issue Comment Edited: (ARCHETYPE-70) Add project description as a mojo parameter

2007-09-18 Thread Jeff Black (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/ARCHETYPE-70?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#action_107665 ] Jeff Black edited comment on ARCHETYPE-70 at 9/18/07 10:34 AM: --- I would find it more flexible

[jira] Commented: (MWAR-118) jar in lib dir are not cleaned if version of the changes im pom.xml

2007-09-18 Thread Stephane Nicoll (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MWAR-118?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#action_107650 ] Stephane Nicoll commented on MWAR-118: -- Sure. > jar in lib dir are not cleaned if version of the changes im pom.xml > ---

[jira] Reopened: (MNG-2045) Maven can't compile against sibling test-jar dependency in multiproject (Test Attached)

2007-09-18 Thread Brian Fox (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2045?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Brian Fox reopened MNG-2045: will try out the IT, thanks. > Maven can't compile against sibling test-jar dependency in multiproject (Test > Attach

[jira] Commented: (MWAR-118) jar in lib dir are not cleaned if version of the changes im pom.xml

2007-09-18 Thread Dominique Jean-Prost (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MWAR-118?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#action_107648 ] Dominique Jean-Prost commented on MWAR-118: --- That's what I do actually (usage of clean). Maybe it could be fixed thou

[jira] Created: (MNG-3214) Coping with SUN JARs

2007-09-18 Thread Marvin Froeder (JIRA)
Coping with SUN JARs Key: MNG-3214 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-3214 Project: Maven 2 Issue Type: Improvement Components: Documentation: Guides Reporter: Marvin Froeder Prior

[jira] Updated: (MWAR-118) jar in lib dir are not cleaned if version of the changes im pom.xml

2007-09-18 Thread Stephane Nicoll (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MWAR-118?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Stephane Nicoll updated MWAR-118: - Issue Type: Wish (was: Bug) the usual way to deal with this is by calling clean even if I agree it shoul

[jira] Reopened: (MAVENUPLOAD-1705) Sync script with cedarsoft.eu

2007-09-18 Thread Johannes Schneider (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MAVENUPLOAD-1705?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Johannes Schneider reopened MAVENUPLOAD-1705: - Synchronizing does not work yet. I have installed rsync now (sorry for incon

[jira] Created: (CONTINUUM-1469) Prompt for handling exceptions due to invalid objects

2007-09-18 Thread Maria Catherine Tan (JIRA)
Prompt for handling exceptions due to invalid objects - Key: CONTINUUM-1469 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CONTINUUM-1469 Project: Continuum Issue Type: Bug Affects Versions: 1.1-

[jira] Created: (MWAR-118) jar in lib dir are not cleaned if version of the changes im pom.xml

2007-09-18 Thread Dominique Jean-Prost (JIRA)
jar in lib dir are not cleaned if version of the changes im pom.xml --- Key: MWAR-118 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MWAR-118 Project: Maven 2.x War Plugin Issue Type: Bug

[jira] Created: (MNG-3213) Please update to plexus-utils 1.4.3 or later for PLXUTILS-36

2007-09-18 Thread Max Bowsher (JIRA)
Please update to plexus-utils 1.4.3 or later for PLXUTILS-36 Key: MNG-3213 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-3213 Project: Maven 2 Issue Type: Bug Affects Versions: 2.0.

[jira] Created: (CONTINUUM-1468) Implement reports with graphs

2007-09-18 Thread Teodoro Cue Jr. (JIRA)
Implement reports with graphs - Key: CONTINUUM-1468 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CONTINUUM-1468 Project: Continuum Issue Type: Improvement Components: Web - UI Reporter: Teodoro Cue J

[jira] Created: (CONTINUUM-1467) create web ui test for - missing project group roles that's missing from the newly imported db

2007-09-18 Thread Teodoro Cue Jr. (JIRA)
create web ui test for - missing project group roles that's missing from the newly imported db -- Key: CONTINUUM-1467 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CONTINUUM-1467

[jira] Commented: (MRM-327) Adding/Editing network proxies doesn't have validation

2007-09-18 Thread jan ancajas (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRM-327?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#action_107635 ] jan ancajas commented on MRM-327: - the identifier can still accept empty string but it displays an error message if i inputted

[jira] Closed: (CONTINUUM-1455) In a project's working directory it would be nice to see a date and time...

2007-09-18 Thread Emmanuel Venisse (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CONTINUUM-1455?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Emmanuel Venisse closed CONTINUUM-1455. --- Assignee: Emmanuel Venisse Resolution: Fixed Fix Version/s: 1.1-beta-3

[jira] Deleted: (CONTINUUM-1463) Project name accepts blank spaces when edited in Project Summary -> Members Tab -> Edit Project

2007-09-18 Thread Emmanuel Venisse (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CONTINUUM-1463?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Emmanuel Venisse deleted CONTINUUM-1463: > Project name accepts blank spaces when edited in Project Summary -> Members > Tab -> E

[jira] Created: (CONTINUUM-1466) Project name accepts blank spaces when edited in Project Summary > Members Tab > Edit Project

2007-09-18 Thread jan ancajas (JIRA)
Project name accepts blank spaces when edited in Project Summary > Members Tab > Edit Project - Key: CONTINUUM-1466 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CONTINUUM-1466

[jira] Created: (CONTINUUM-1465) Project groups should probably get their own local maven repo

2007-09-18 Thread Teodoro Cue Jr. (JIRA)
Project groups should probably get their own local maven repo - Key: CONTINUUM-1465 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CONTINUUM-1465 Project: Continuum Issue Type: Improvement

[jira] Deleted: (CONTINUUM-1464) Steps:

2007-09-18 Thread Emmanuel Venisse (JIRA)
1. Login as admin 2. Add a Maven Two Project with project group defined by pom 3. In the group summary page, click the project group of the project you've just added 4. When the project group summary page is loaded, click on the Members t MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8

[jira] Created: (CONTINUUM-1464) Steps:

2007-09-18 Thread jan ancajas (JIRA)
1. Login as admin 2. Add a Maven Two Project with project group defined by pom 3. In the group summary page, click the project group of the project you've just added 4. When the project group summary page is loaded, click on the Members t MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8

[jira] Issue Comment Edited: (MNG-2045) Maven can't compile against sibling test-jar dependency in multiproject (Test Attached)

2007-09-18 Thread Mikko Koponen (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2045?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#action_107630 ] Mikko Koponen edited comment on MNG-2045 at 9/18/07 4:19 AM: - Attaching mng-2045-ittest.zip, which

[jira] Updated: (MNG-2045) Maven can't compile against sibling test-jar dependency in multiproject (Test Attached)

2007-09-18 Thread Mikko Koponen (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2045?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Mikko Koponen updated MNG-2045: --- Attachment: mng-2045-ittest.zip Attaching mng-2045-ittest.zip, which contains an integration test reproducing

[jira] Created: (CONTINUUM-1463) Project name accepts blank spaces when edited in Project Summary -> Members Tab -> Edit Project

2007-09-18 Thread jan ancajas (JIRA)
Project name accepts blank spaces when edited in Project Summary -> Members Tab -> Edit Project --- Key: CONTINUUM-1463 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CONTINUUM-1463

[jira] Created: (CONTINUUM-1462) Add support for release:clean in Continuum

2007-09-18 Thread Teodoro Cue Jr. (JIRA)
Add support for release:clean in Continuum -- Key: CONTINUUM-1462 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CONTINUUM-1462 Project: Continuum Issue Type: New Feature Components: Release

[jira] Created: (CONTINUUM-1461) add surefire results to mail notifications on failure

2007-09-18 Thread Teodoro Cue Jr. (JIRA)
add surefire results to mail notifications on failure - Key: CONTINUUM-1461 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CONTINUUM-1461 Project: Continuum Issue Type: New Feature Componen

[jira] Created: (CONTINUUM-1460) Need a way to desginate email sender for email notifications.

2007-09-18 Thread Teodoro Cue Jr. (JIRA)
Need a way to desginate email sender for email notifications. - Key: CONTINUUM-1460 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CONTINUUM-1460 Project: Continuum Issue Type: Improvement

[jira] Created: (CONTINUUM-1459) Add option to not resume from a previous project release in Continuum

2007-09-18 Thread Teodoro Cue Jr. (JIRA)
Add option to not resume from a previous project release in Continuum -- Key: CONTINUUM-1459 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CONTINUUM-1459 Project: Continuum Issue Ty

[jira] Created: (CONTINUUM-1458) revise continuum forms using ww:form

2007-09-18 Thread Teodoro Cue Jr. (JIRA)
revise continuum forms using ww:form Key: CONTINUUM-1458 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CONTINUUM-1458 Project: Continuum Issue Type: Bug Components: Web - UI Reporter: Teodoro

[jira] Created: (CONTINUUM-1457) add failures from surefire report directly to the build output page, using the link only for the full report

2007-09-18 Thread Teodoro Cue Jr. (JIRA)
add failures from surefire report directly to the build output page, using the link only for the full report Key: CONTINUUM-1457 URL: http://jira.codehaus

[jira] Updated: (MRM-509) Adding the same repository twice will be redirected to an Edit Repository page.

2007-09-18 Thread Emmanuel Venisse (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRM-509?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Emmanuel Venisse updated MRM-509: - Affects Version/s: 1.0-beta-2 Fix Version/s: 1.0-beta-3 > Adding the same repository twice will be

[jira] Moved: (MRM-509) Adding the same repository twice will be redirected to an Edit Repository page.

2007-09-18 Thread Emmanuel Venisse (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRM-509?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Emmanuel Venisse moved CONTINUUM-1456 to MRM-509: - Complexity: (was: Intermediate) Key: MRM-509 (was: CONTINUUM-

[jira] Created: (MPJAVACC-7) Update to JavaCC 4.0

2007-09-18 Thread dion gillard (JIRA)
Update to JavaCC 4.0 Key: MPJAVACC-7 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPJAVACC-7 Project: Maven 1.x JavaCC Plugin Issue Type: Improvement Reporter: dion gillard Priority: Minor Attach

[jira] Created: (CONTINUUM-1456) Adding the same repository twice will be redirected to an Edit Repository page.

2007-09-18 Thread Maria Catherine Tan (JIRA)
Adding the same repository twice will be redirected to an Edit Repository page. --- Key: CONTINUUM-1456 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CONTINUUM-1456 Project: Continuum

[jira] Commented: (MPJAVACC-6) Documentation is missing for package parameters

2007-09-18 Thread dion gillard (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPJAVACC-6?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#action_107621 ] dion gillard commented on MPJAVACC-6: - Sorry, about that chief, yes they're optional. > Documentation is missing for pac