Adjustment & Spinbutton relationship

2005-05-20 Thread Emre Turkay
Hi folks, I couldn't find any information in gtk+ or gtkmm docs. Who manages the Gtk::Adjustment parameter given to the constructor of Gtk::SpinButton. Should I delete it, use Manage, or does spin button manages it by default? Thanks, emre __

link broken in documentation on-line

2005-05-20 Thread acerion
Hello I was browsing your on-line documentation, and came accross broken link: page: (Glib::ustring). There is a link named "Reference". pointing to


2005-05-20 Thread Antonio Coralles
I'm using gtkmm-2.4.11 and would like to know why after Gtk::Widget *p_widget; p_widget = _rp_UIManager->get_widget("SomePath/SomeElement"); p_widget->set_sensitive(false); p_widget->modify_text(Gtk:://STATE_INSENSITIVE, Gdk::Color("red")); the text connected to this statements is still grey. Th

ghostscript and gtk window

2005-05-20 Thread juanfran
Hello, i´m making a report from a database on gtkmm and i´d like to know if is there any way to pack a ghostscript preview window on a gtkmm window?. I´m using ghostscript AFPL 8.5. thank you ___ gtkmm-list mailing list http://mail.g