Thanks to everyone, and the vote for releasing Apache Doris
0.9.0-incubating-rc02 is now closed.
It has passed with 4 +1 (binding) votes and no 0 or -1 votes.
+1 Willem Jiang
+1 Justin Mclean
+1 ShaoFeng Shi
+1 Makoto Yui
The vote thread:
+1 (binding)
I checked
- incubator in name
- LICENSE and NOTICE are fine
- sha512 and asc signature are good
- rat check passed
The following showed some files not including ASF license headers
but they were borrowed codes
$ java -jar apache-rat-0.12/apache-rat-0.12.j
+1 binding,
Checked the license file, the notice, the signature, the sha512 hash, all
looks good; (I didn't run build as my docker is broken)
Best regards,
Shaofeng Shi 史少锋
Apache Kylin PMC
Work email: shaofeng@kyligence.io
Kyligence Inc: https://kyligence.io/
Apache Kylin FAQ: https://kyli
Thank you, Justin, we will fix the license issue in next release.
On 2019/2/14 上午10:39, "Justin Mclean" wrote:
>+1 binding but LICENSE is missing a couple of licenses please fix in next
>- incubating in name
>- hashes and signatures good
>- LICENSE is missing some li
+1 binding but LICENSE is missing a couple of licenses please fix in next
- incubating in name
- hashes and signatures good
- LICENSE is missing some licenses (se below)
- NOTICE is fine
- No unexpected binaries in file
- All ASF source files have ASF headers
- On OSX so di
+1 (Binding)
I checked:
* The signature and hashes are ok
* LICENSE and NOTICE files look good
* Checked the docker file of the docker image
* Can build from source within the docker image
Willem Jiang
Twitter: willemjiang
Weibo: 姜宁willem
On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 8:09 PM 德 李
Hi all,
Please review and vote on Apache Doris 0.9.0-incubating-rc02 release.
Apache Doris is an MPP-based interactive SQL data warehousing for reporting
and analysis.
The Apache Doris community has voted on and approved this release: