Re: [aur-requests] [PRQ#4379] Merge Request for vscode-bin

2015-11-19 Thread Michael Hansen
Ah, I was not aware there was another package already -- I did not check for the long version of the name when I created my package. Sorry about that. However, now that there is an OSS version, I'd like to recommend renaming visual-studio-code [1] to visual-studio-code-bin and perhaps rename/merg

[aur-requests] [PRQ#4379] Merge Request for vscode-bin

2015-11-18 Thread notify
dcelasun [1] filed a request to merge vscode-bin [2] into visual- studio-code [3]: visual-studio-code is the original package and it's older. All other duplicates ([0],[1],[2]) have been merged into visual-studio-code in the past. [0] requests/2015-April