-o in the middle of a sentence.
But, I'm also in favor of long option names in scripts.
Merlin Büge
or ~/.config that you don't
need anymore.
I would also keep the old drive around for some time in case you notice that
you forgot something...
Good luck!
Merlin Büge
you probably missed this part (quoted from your link):
> Then export the environment variable
> SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/ssh-agent.socket" in your login shell
> initialization file, such as ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zprofile.
Merlin Büge
> Lately, possibly starting at mid December, files in /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
> are kept with mode u=rw,g=,o= . Am I the only one having it?
On my system they're all 644, updated yesterday.
Are you using pacman directly?
Merlin Büge