[arch-general] RFC: Cross compilers using newlib

2017-03-20 Thread Christer Solskogen via arch-general
Hi! Instead of having a separate binutils, gcc and newlib package for every architecture it is possible to combine them into one. You can even build them all in one swoop if you want. For instance, in something like this: _target=m68k-elf _binutilsver=2.28 _gccver=6.3.0 _islver=0.18 _newlibve

Re: [arch-general] RFC: Cross compilers using newlib

2017-03-21 Thread Christer Solskogen via arch-general
On 20.03.2017 20.48, Eli Schwartz via arch-general wrote: You seem to be taking it for granted, that people will somehow magically agree with you that a unified multi-package is an optimal state of affairs, and are looking to find out if there is any valid defense of the status quo. Ah, I was