Re: [arch-general] Impossible redirect console buffer to log

2019-03-01 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
Perhaps the program writes its log to stderr, and not to stdout? If so, you can redirect both stdout and stderr to file with: command &> out On Fri, Mar 1, 2019 at 12:47 PM Maykel Franco via arch-general <> wrote: > HI, I playing with cccam for a proyect with decode

Re: [arch-general] Impossible redirect console buffer to log

2019-03-01 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
The program could also explicitly be modifying its behaviour based on whether stdout is a tty or not. You can trick it into thinking its stdout is a tty with the program 'unbuffer'. For example: [bilbo:~]$ python -c 'import sys; print(sys.stdout.isatty())' | cat False [bilbo:~]$ unbuffer python -c

Re: [arch-general] Impossible redirect console buffer to log

2019-03-01 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
Perplexing! How about the 'script' command? On Fri., 1 Mar. 2019, 13:13 Maykel Franco, wrote: > El vie., 1 mar. 2019 a las 19:09, Chris Billington > () escribió: > > > > The program could also explicitly be modifying its behaviour based on > whether stdout is a tty or not. You can trick it into

Re: [arch-general] Impossible redirect console buffer to log

2019-03-01 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
This is pretty strange. As for the script command, it can be passed the command to run, but I am guessing it will have the same symptoms as with 'unbuffer': [bilbo:~]$ script -c 'echo hello' mylogfile.log Script started, file is mylogfile.log hello Script done, file is mylogfile.log [bilbo:~]$ ca

Re: [arch-general] Impossible redirect console buffer to log

2019-03-01 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
The 'flush' option could help with that: [bilbo:~]$ script -h | grep flush -f, --flush run flush after each write So, something like script -f -c '/usr/local/bin/cccam -d' mylogfile.log I would want to get to the bottom of why this binary does not play well with normal tools,

Re: [arch-general] Impossible redirect console buffer to log

2019-03-01 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
The output of the script command can contain all sorts of control characters and ANSI escape sequences since it is exactly what is being written to the terminal. Incidentally, I have written a Python function for cleaning up such output (solely used to document my Arch linux installation): https:

Re: [arch-general] Opening a document with unicode in path

2019-08-02 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
Could you verify that the encoding of the filepath is, in fact, UTF8? Filepaths in linux are free to be arbitrary bytes despite the locale settings. Most tools don't care, though I would expect the filepath to display incorrectly in the terminal and file browser if it were not UTF8. So it is probab

Re: [arch-general] Opening a document with unicode in path

2019-08-02 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
> However, you might be onto something here because, interestingly enough: > while BASH prompt and autocompletition feature both decode the character > correctly, `ls` does not and outputs a sequence of escape codes: > That's interesting. If I run: touch Proc$'\303\251'dures and then ls, I get i

Re: [arch-general] Bios Raid (Fake Raid) and Virtual Raid (Software Raid)

2019-09-02 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
You can do software raid in Arch using mdadm. Details here: On Mon., 2 Sep. 2019, 09:07 Kelly Rogers via arch-general, <> wrote: > Hi, > Can you tell me what is capable to do Arch Linux: Bios Raid (Fake Raid) and > Virtual Raid

Re: [arch-general] How to install archlinux using a specific parition of usb instead of the whole usb?

2019-11-05 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
You can use multiboot usb to set up multiple distro live images on one usb drive: I've used it, it works well. Looks like there's a build issue at the moment, but in general it works :p On Tue., 5 Nov. 2019, 22:50 Hongyi Zhao via arch-general, < a

Re: [arch-general] Fedora Speeds Up Python 3.

2019-11-26 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
Ah, that's interesting. I thought that would break my GIL profiling project that uses LD_PRELOAD (shameless plug:, but since I think I'm only overriding libc functions, it should be fine. I'm sure there are other things it will break (I could have ove

Re: [arch-general] Fedora Speeds Up Python 3.

2019-11-26 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
Oh I remember why I didn't override libpython functions with LD_PRELOAD. Python is statically linked to libpython in Ubuntu, which I was using at the time, so it didn't work. Fedora decided not to go that far, but yeah, Ubuntu has already taken that plunge. If LD_PRELOADing libpython doesn't work

Re: [arch-general] python-cmake?

2019-11-28 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
Though in this case OP is in a venv, so that's fine, it's only at the system level where it's a bad idea. Having said that, I do use pip outside of venvs a little bit, it can be done somewhat safely, but you have to know what you're doing, such as installing everything to /usr/local so it doesn't

Re: [arch-general] how to upgrade 2017 server ?

2020-01-10 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
Pacman static will likely help, but you'll need to actually install it and use it, i.e.: sudo pacman -S pacman-static sudo pacman-static -Syu On Sat, Jan 11, 2020 at 1:57 PM Shadrock Uhuru via arch-general <> wrote: > i have a server that has not been booted since 2017

[arch-general] python-tqdm updates

2020-02-17 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
[community]/python-tqdm has updated 13 times in the last week, though the upstream has not been releasing that rapidly - the new Arch packages correspond to the last few months of releases. This process hasn't quite gotten it up to date yet, so I expect one more update is on the way! Is there a r

Re: [arch-general] python-tqdm updates

2020-02-17 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
Thanks Felix! Oh it's no trouble, I was just wondering what was up, and if it was some automated tool misbehaving thought it might be useful to point out. Thanks for your work! -Chris On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 12:12 PM Felix Yan wrote: > On 2/18/20 1:06 AM, Chris Billington via arch

Re: [arch-general] post-install dependencies check

2020-02-21 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
That looks like an unrelated bug in a hook installed by pacaudit. You should report it here: On Fri, Feb 21, 2020 at 3:52 PM Ralf Mardorf via arch-general <> wrote: > On Fri, 2020-02-21 at 14:29 -0500, Eli Schwartz via arch-gener

Re: [arch-general] latest kernel update surprise

2020-03-22 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
On Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 1:20 PM Ralf Mardorf via arch-general <> wrote: > On Sun, 22 Mar 2020 14:43:44 +0100, Bennett Piater wrote: > >However, maybe you should consider using the LTS kernel, packages as > >linux

Re: [arch-general] nvidia-dkms pkgrel increase after every linux upgrade

2020-03-31 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 12:48 PM Amin Vakil wrote: > > So why should nvidia-dkms upgrades? > it's because nvidia-dkms is part of a split package that builds both nvidia and nvidia-dkms. The bump in pkgrel is to rebuild nvidia for the new kernel, and as a consequence the pkgrel for nvidia-dkms is

Re: [arch-general] oops, 'sudo: pacman: command not found'

2020-06-07 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
On Sun, 7 Jun 2020, 21:13 Greg Minshall, wrote: > i should mention that i seem to have the correct pacman "distribution" > file: > > bash apollo2 (master): {1198} ls -l /var/cache/pacman/pkg/pacman-5.2.1-* > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 856820 Apr 30 03:23 > /var/cache/pacman/pkg/pacman-5.2.1-5-x8

Re: [arch-general] dash as system /bin/sh? (Was: dash as default shell?)

2020-06-18 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
I haven't seen this mentioned yet which makes me wonder if I've misunderstood, but isn't it already the case that bash runs in a posix-compatible mode if executed as /bin/sh? I remember a bug a while back [1] that broke graphical login because flatpak used a bashism in an X startup script. Does th

Re: [arch-general] pacman -Rnus inetutils

2020-10-24 Thread Chris Billington via arch-general
On Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 11:58 AM Neven Sajko via arch-general <> wrote: > Today pacman surprised me after updating my system: turns out nothing > on my installation depended on inetutils any more, so I removed it, > even though it was there forever. The following reboot