Re: [arch-general] scons "update"

2008-12-20 Thread Alessandro Doro
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 05:06:04PM +0100, Alessandro Doro wrote: > Just wondering about scons update path: Log message in svn revision 21995 is a rather clear answer. But keeps open FS#12076. bye

Re: [arch-general] scons "update"

2008-12-20 Thread Alessandro Doro
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 06:48:22PM +, Jon Kristian Nilsen wrote: > scons 1.1.0-1 was broken for me, so i filed a report on it. > Still haven't heard anything. As far as I can tell, it has issues with > python. In reality, this should have been fixed along with the python > upgrade. About FS#1

Re: [arch-general] scons "update"

2008-12-19 Thread Jon Kristian Nilsen
scons 1.1.0-1 was broken for me, so i filed a report on it. Still haven't heard anything. As far as I can tell, it has issues with python. In reality, this should have been fixed along with the python upgrade. -J On Fri, 2008-12-19 at 17:06 +0100, Alessandro Doro wrote: > On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 a

Re: [arch-general] scons "update"

2008-12-19 Thread Alessandro Doro
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 07:08:05AM -0800, Giovanni Scafora wrote: > 2008/12/19, Alessandro Doro : > > Is there a reason for reverting to the stable scons release or the > > packager intended to update to latest 1.1.0.d20081207? > > pacman -Sy scons and accept to install it anyway. No problem wi

Re: [arch-general] scons "update"

2008-12-19 Thread Giovanni Scafora
2008/12/19, Alessandro Doro : > Is there a reason for reverting to the stable scons release or the > packager intended to update to latest 1.1.0.d20081207? pacman -Sy scons and accept to install it anyway. -- Arch Linux Developer (voidnull) AUR & Pacman Italian Translations Microdia Developer

[arch-general] scons "update"

2008-12-19 Thread Alessandro Doro
# pacman -Syu ... warning: scons: local (1.1.0.d20081104-1) is newer than extra (1.1.0-1) ... Is there a reason for reverting to the stable scons release or the packager intended to update to latest 1.1.0.d20081207? bye