Re: [arch-general] Help with wav files

2018-06-16 Thread Storm Dragon via arch-general
Howdy Pete, There are a few things you can use. Probably the easiest, for your specific task, is a utility called mp3splt. extra/mp3splt 2.6.2-2 [installed] Commandline tool for splitting mp3 and ogg files without decoding HTH Storm On Sat, Jun 16, 2018 at 10:53:58PM +0100, Arch Linux Gener

Re: [arch-general] Help with wav files

2018-06-16 Thread Jeanette C. via arch-general
Jun 16 2018, pete via arch-general has written: ... is there a command line utility that i can give the start and finish positions and it wil do the cutting and saving for me as i hope this will be simpler and quicker ... Hi Pete, there are several. Sox. see man sox and search for trim (use / t

[arch-general] Help with wav files

2018-06-16 Thread pete via arch-general
Hi . A little off subject but hope someone can help . I have some cd copies of albums ( i do actually own the albums) the cds are just 2 tracks one per side i have no way to play vynl albums right now i need to split these 2 tracks into their seperate tracks as per the LP's i have tried Audacity