Re: [arch-general] customized ArchLinux install CD with speech support

2008-12-09 Thread raca
oject :) I will not use or knows anyone I know but that is English speech you are "talking" about, right? cheers, raca

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] pkgstats: first results

2008-11-11 Thread raca
e paranoid, but i don't want others to know what i'm exactly doing > with my computer! > Me neither most of the times :) Greetings, raca

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] pkgstats: first results

2008-11-11 Thread raca
the ones that don't have a .desktop file. (The list of packages is too big to look at it) This is another problem but I just wanted to warn about a little bias that might exist in the numbers :) Greetings, raca Ter, 2008-11-11 às 00:44 -0200, Armando M. Baratti escreveu: > Charly Ghislain

[arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Package Colours - better visual information

2008-09-29 Thread raca
gt;>> Orange - out-of-date, new package in Testing, bug report(s) > >>> outstanding > >>> > >>> Purple/Magenta - out-of-date, bug report(s) outstanding I would suggest only three colours (background colour, grey font): ->Green - latest version, all ok ->Yellow - Out-of-date ->Red - Too many bugs, or non-functional at the moment (non-functional would be a tag for TU and so could give) cheers, raca

Re: [arch-general] Arch-Sheriff - A script to match NetBSD vulnerability database against Arch Linux packages

2008-09-12 Thread raca
s out. I think this is a better tool for admins to know which programs are vulnerable at the moment. Hope there will be AUR package :) raca

[arch-general] deluge pakage out-of-date

2008-08-06 Thread raca
Hi! The deluge package has been flagged as out-of-date for sometime now. The oficial site provides a PKGBUILD for arch, for the lastest stable version I'm using and seems to be

[arch-general] Bug in Mailman version 2.1.10

2008-08-03 Thread raca
Bug in Mailman version 2.1.10 We're sorry, we hit a bug! Please inform the webmaster for this site of this problem. Printing of traceback and other system information has been explicitly inhibited, but the webmaster can find this information in the Mailman error logs. This at http://www.archlinux

[arch-general] firefox-i18n Dependency and package mainteiner contact

2008-07-09 Thread raca
Hi, I don't how to contact the package maintainer of firefox-i18n so I write to here. This in order to correct the dependency from firefox=3.0 to firefox>=3.0 ( and firefox <=4.0 maybe). Other thing, how can generally someone contact the package maintainer? Cheers