[arch-general] Fwd: Re: [arch-dev-public] Linux 4.6 enters [testing]

2016-05-16 Thread Tomasz Przybył
--- Treść przekazanej wiadomości --- Temat: Re: [arch-dev-public] Linux 4.6 enters [testing] Data: Mon, 16 May 2016 21:07:38 +0200 Nadawca:Tomasz Przybył Adresat:Public mailing list for Arch Linux development W dniu 16.05.2016 o 20:58, Tobias Powalowski via arch-dev

Re: [arch-general] NOTE: Intel users: don't install lastest Xorg 1.18.2 update. Whole desktop freeze after while of using.

2016-03-12 Thread Tomasz Przybył
: > None that I have. > Could it be his kernel version? > I thought I saw that he was using a Zen kernel. > Maybe not. Just a thought. > > > > > On 03/12/2016 07:01 PM, Jonathan Horacio Villatoro Córdoba wrote: >> On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 08:17:53PM +0100, Tomasz Przyb

[arch-general] NOTE: Intel users: don't install lastest Xorg 1.18.2 update. Whole desktop freeze after while of using.

2016-03-12 Thread Tomasz Przybył
Hello I was affected serious issue from lastest Xorg update 1.18.2 (current in testing). Whole desktop freeze. Keyboard and mouse not working. Only pressing while power btn shutdown device. Reverting to 1.18.1 is safe. FS#48549: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/48549 Regards Tomasz signature.