Re: [arch-general] [Classroom] Beginners Guide to Package Maintenance

2013-08-15 Thread Sorin-Mihai Vârgolici
În data de Du, 11-08-2013 la 12:36 -0500, William Giokas a scris: > We'll be doing the first class on Sunday, September 14th at > 17:00 UTC.=20 Unless I'm wrong, if it's September 14th, then it's Sathurday. Or is it Sunday, 15th? -- Sorin-Mihai Vârgolici Asisten

Re: [arch-general] LVM on LUKS and fsck

2012-05-05 Thread Sorin-Mihai Vârgolici
, but the OP said /dev/lvmvol/root and so on, which is not /dev/lvmgroup/vlmvolume. -- <>< Sorin-Mihai Vârgolici Proud member of Ceata ( Arcada developer (

Re: [arch-general] LVM on LUKS and fsck

2012-05-05 Thread Sorin-Mihai Vârgolici
>< Sorin-Mihai Vârgolici Proud member of Ceata ( Arcada developer (

Re: [arch-general] Upgrading password hashes

2012-01-23 Thread Sorin-Mihai Vârgolici
ink they still don't provide full disk encryption, of any kind. Yeah, kinda off-topic, I know. -- <>< Sorin-Mihai Vârgolici Proud member of Ceata ( Arcada developer (

Re: [arch-general] Upgrading password hashes

2012-01-23 Thread Sorin-Mihai Vârgolici
ar or so and I always wondered why the default in Archlinux was to use MD5 in /etc/pam.d/passwd and DES in /etc/default/passwd. I see that using DES in /etc/default/passwd is still the case. [0] [1] [2] -- <>&l

Re: [arch-general] Automatic File Associations Alloting

2011-11-21 Thread Sorin-Mihai Vârgolici
În data de Ma, 22-11-2011 la 01:59 +0200, Sorin-Mihai Vârgolici a scris: Sorry, forgot to fix the links numbers and add 2 more. [1] [2]

Re: [arch-general] Automatic File Associations Alloting

2011-11-21 Thread Sorin-Mihai Vârgolici
in the same place, /usr/share/applications and can give you some ideeas. ;) [1] [2] -- <>< Sorin-Mihai Vârgolici Proud member of Ceata (

Re: [arch-general] gnome2.32

2011-07-05 Thread Sorin-Mihai Vârgolici
theme, and is not yet finished. The way it works is more important. The fact that I have 3D support, is just a bonus. Things can be done to work the same even without it. -- <>< Sorin-Mihai Vârgolici

Re: [arch-general] Cannot Find Desktop in GNOME3

2011-05-10 Thread Sorin-Mihai Vârgolici
all GNOME related applications will switch to dconf, if ever, though that's the ideea. gsettings, gconftool-2 and gconf-editor have man pages, but dconf-editor doesn't, though, is quite simple to get the ideea once it's started. If you start it from a terminal, don't mind the de

Re: [arch-general] Cannot Find Desktop in GNOME3

2011-05-10 Thread Sorin-Mihai Vârgolici
e a single line. This way neither gnome-shell, nor gnome-tweak-tool are needed. Besides, using this method, every single thing done in gnome-tweak-tool can be done without it, directly from the command line. -- <>< Sorin-Mihai Vârgolici