Re: [arch-general] Switching back to udisk1

2012-05-04 Thread Pham Bao Trung
On Fri 04 May 2012 06:16:15 PM ICT, Thomas Bächler wrote: Am 04.05.2012 11:46, schrieb Kevin Chadwick: ""; I just read this post, and it is what you expect from the ignorant guru: A rant. It is simply general FUD with no

Re: [arch-general] plugins for zathura

2012-03-13 Thread Pham Bao Trung
11:02 AM, Pham Bao Trung wrote: I am a user of zathura. Recently it have been updated to 0.1.1 with girara but there are not any plugins in [community] for zathura, which makes it unable to view any files. Any suggestions? Trung Oh. I thought they should be in [community]. It's fine

[arch-general] plugins for zathura

2012-03-13 Thread Pham Bao Trung
I am a user of zathura. Recently it have been updated to 0.1.1 with girara but there are not any plugins in [community] for zathura, which makes it unable to view any files. Any suggestions? Trung

Re: [arch-general] Newbies in Arch [WAS: Suspend seems not to work with nVidia Nouveau driver]

2012-01-03 Thread Pham Bao Trung
@Jonathan Vasquez I must say that I totally support your point of view. I have seen some TU/devs/geeky users showed bad temper, mocking on newb at #archlinux who really came there to seek for help and wanted to switch to Arch. They just made them go away rudely. Their point is that Arch is not for

Re: [arch-general] Pacman update fails to commit transaction

2011-12-13 Thread Pham Bao Trung
tell me how I access this file. I typed in /etc to the > command line but was told it is a directory (which I know). How can I go > about deleting it? > > > > Many thanks > > > > Grant > > On 14/12/2011, at 12:56 PM, Pham Bao Trung wrote: > > > >> >

Re: [arch-general] Pacman update fails to commit transaction

2011-12-13 Thread Pham Bao Trung
told it is a directory (which I know). How can I go > about deleting it? > > Many thanks > > Grant > On 14/12/2011, at 12:56 PM, Pham Bao Trung wrote: > > > > > On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 9:52 AM, Grant McDuling < >>wrote: > > > &

Re: [arch-general] Pacman update fails to commit transaction

2011-12-13 Thread Pham Bao Trung
Read this On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 9:52 AM, Grant McDuling wrote: > I have my new system up and running and am delighted. However, when > running packman -Syu to update, all appeared to be progressing well with > all so

Re: [arch-general] scim and uxterm/urxvt

2011-10-06 Thread Pham Bao Trung
On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 11:37 PM, Pham Bao Trung wrote: > Can scim work with uxterm/urxvt? If so, could somebody help me to make them > work together, please? Of course, I have been throught wiki and googling but > nothing helps. > export XMODIFIERS="@im=SCIM" export GTK_

[arch-general] scim and uxterm/urxvt

2011-10-06 Thread Pham Bao Trung
Can scim work with uxterm/urxvt? If so, could somebody help me to make them work together, please? Of course, I have been throught wiki and googling but nothing helps. Kind regards, Trung