On 20 July 2012 22:34, David C. Rankin wrote:
> Guys,
> After going though the usrlib/glibc update and creating a new archroot for
> building, I am getting build failures in trinity k3b and k9copy. Both packages
> built without error on 7/14 prior to my update. Following update I experience
On 20 July 2012 09:27, Ike Devolder wrote:
> could you try the same with the long lived branch of nvidia utils and drivers?
> these are at version 295.59
> nvidia-ll: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=60602
> nvidia-utils-ll: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=60604
> fist b
On 1 July 2012 22:17, Clemens Buchacher wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to bring to your attention the discussion surrounding
> gnome-shell/networkmanager bug #679212 (NetworkManager VPN secrets:
> NetworkAgent internal error):
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=679212
> A fix for this
On 22 June 2012 01:42, Tom Gundersen wrote:
> The tmpfiles.d fragment is documented in the tmpfiles.d(5)[0] and the
> tmpfiles utility is documented in systemd-tmpfiles(8)[1].
So there actually is man page for the systemd-tmpfiles. It is missing
from the systemd-tools, instead it is in systemd
On 20 June 2012 18:47, Tom Gundersen wrote:
> Looks like a bug, if you create a bug report I'll look into it.
Done, it's FS#30384
> That said, I think you want to use 'D' rather than 'd' (check the man
> page). Alternatively, you can specify an age in milliseconds, rather than
> days...
On 20 June 2012 18:32, Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
> On 20 June 2012 18:28, Tom Gundersen wrote:
>> On Jun 20, 2012 6:05 PM, "Lukáš Jirkovský" wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> before submitting bug report I want to make sure this isn't feature.
On 20 June 2012 18:28, Tom Gundersen wrote:
> On Jun 20, 2012 6:05 PM, "Lukáš Jirkovský" wrote:
>> Hello,
>> before submitting bug report I want to make sure this isn't feature.
>> My problem is that my /tmp folder is no longer cleaned up during boo
On 20 June 2012 18:24, Mantas Mikulėnas wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 7:05 PM, Lukáš Jirkovský
> wrote:
>> I dug through the git of initscripts and it seems to be caused by the
>> replacement of the original code by the systemd-tmpfiles tool. I've
>> just
On 20 June 2012 18:20, Leonid Isaev wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Jun 2012 18:05:38 +0200
> Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
>> Hello,
>> before submitting bug report I want to make sure this isn't feature.
>> My problem is that my /tmp folder is no longer cleaned up during boot.
On 20 June 2012 18:15, Klaus wrote:
> Lukáš Jirkovský schrieb:
>> Hello,
>> before submitting bug report I want to make sure this isn't feature.
>> My problem is that my /tmp folder is no longer cleaned up during boot.
>> Now I have to do that manually which
before submitting bug report I want to make sure this isn't feature.
My problem is that my /tmp folder is no longer cleaned up during boot.
Now I have to do that manually which is really annoying.
I dug through the git of initscripts and it seems to be caused by the
replacement of the origi
On 17 June 2012 01:08, Tom Gundersen wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 9:14 PM, Lukáš Jirkovský
> wrote:
>> On 11 June 2012 12:05, Joerg Schilling
>> wrote:
>>> BTW: the fact that there is no documentation[1] for this new driver looks
>>> like a
Sorry I forgot to reply earlier (real-life duties). Fortunately I had
added this to my to-do list so it didn't get forgotten completely.
I've just uploaded a new package which uses
/usr/lib/modules-load.d/cdrecord.conf to autoload the sg module
(thanks, Tom!).
On 11 June 2012 12:05, Joerg Schilli
On 10 June 2012 14:05, Tom Gundersen wrote:
> It works the same with initscripts and with systemd.
> It is strictly speaking not udev that loads these modules but a
> separate tool: /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-modules-load, which is shipped
> in the same package as udev (systemd-tools).
Great, I'l
On 10 June 2012 11:57, Tom Gundersen wrote:
> The module-load.d directory is supported by us, as well as all distros
> using systemd. So Jörg, you might consider including this upstream, if
> it is the sg module is really needed.
Tom, Jörg,
nice to see you two interested.
Tom, I don't know much
On 10 June 2012 01:41, Javier Vasquez wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been using the original cdrecord (cdrtools) for more than 10
> years now, however I hadn't burned anything in the last 3 months (or
> even more). With the current linux kernel image from Arch:
> % uname -a
> Linux jvasquez14 3.3.8-1-AR
On 5 June 2012 22:54, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> Speaking as an Arch user who is just barely competent enough for Arch with
> much dependence on google and Arch's most excellent wiki, I'd like to see
> Arch continue to do what I see as one of it's strong points.
> Yes it insists on it's u
On 5 June 2012 17:25, Calvin Morrison wrote:
> Just wondering - why does it have to be Microsoft's Key to used?
It doesn't. You can sign boot loader using your own key. But then you
need to store this key in UEFI firmware.
This is actually what I'm suggesting – that we should create an Arch
On 4 June 2012 22:27, Sudaraka Wijesinghe wrote:
> If this is a poll, I vote "Arch should require Secure Boot to be disabled"
> I choose a distro like Arch because it doesn't have a financial motive
> and will not give into market pressures such as this.
> If we want keep hardware vendors from
On 2 June 2012 14:01, Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
> I'm going to fill a bug report, because this
> is pretty serious issue as it makes KDE completely unusable.
Bug report filled:
For now I'm going to rebuild kdelibs locally.
On 2 June 2012 13:52, Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
> On 2 June 2012 12:40, Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
>> Actually I think wher the problem is (but I don't know what the
>> problem is yet) – it seems to be in the Herqq library.
> Soo, the rebuild of the herqq library didn'
On 2 June 2012 12:40, Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
> Actually I think wher the problem is (but I don't know what the
> problem is yet) – it seems to be in the Herqq library.
Soo, the rebuild of the herqq library didn't help.
Anyway, here are a few backtraces I got few minutes earl
On 2 June 2012 11:55, Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
> On 2 June 2012 11:44, GSC wrote:
>> After upgrading yesterday(including udev system-tools and x), I
>> experienced quite a lot Knotify crashes today. Though I'm using gnome-shell
>> and only use some KDE apps.
On 2 June 2012 11:44, GSC wrote:
> After upgrading yesterday(including udev system-tools and x), I
> experienced quite a lot Knotify crashes today. Though I'm using gnome-shell
> and only use some KDE apps.
I guess you are having the same problem as I do.
> video-drivers ?
I don't think it's video driver related, because the crashes seems to
always occur somewhere in Qt, but not a single crash contains anything
graphics-related, it just crashes in random places – sometimes it's in
Qtcore, sometimes in QtNetwork (I remember this one contained
Is anyone experiencing lots weird crashes of KDE applications
recently? I'm getting tons of crashes very often, sometimes less then
ten minutes between a bunch of crashes (Aaargh, KNotify, KMix,
Krunner, Plasma, Kded and KMix crashed within a second while writing
this email).
It started here after
On 2 May 2012 09:02, Debashish Saha wrote:
> how to download youtube video using wget . I am a new user. i am
> using linux mint 12.
First, you should learn how to use google. Second, if I were you (I
mean to be new in GNU/Linux world), I'd first go with some GUI
downloader, such as freerapid or
On 16 April 2012 11:39, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
> With more and more distros and even android employing gccs -fpie for
> building packages, should Arch consider enabling it.
> For my users it would mean less programs being killed by the
> grsecurity kernel due to text relocation attempts. No com
On 7 April 2012 10:20, Joker-jar wrote:
> Hello! I am psi-plus package (
> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=40365) maintainer. Psi+ is very
> powerfull jabber client written in Qt (Psi fork). Psi+ is in the Ubuntu
> repos: http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/psi-plus . Are there any plans
Oh, I forgot to mention that I've fixed both the mentioned bug and a
related osmo bug a few hours ago.
On 31 March 2012 01:23, Karol Blazewicz wrote:
> There's a nasty typo in libgringotts PKGBUILD
> http://projects.archlinux.org/svntogit/community.git/tree/trunk/PKGBUILD?h=packages/libgringotts
> : 'pckage()' should be changed to 'package()', otherwise the package
> creates no files: https://bbs.a
On 19 March 2012 17:44, Josh Silard wrote:
> Thanks for the help. Does anybody know if there is a way to do this without
> a CD because I have no way to burn one right now.
> Josh
> On Mar 19, 2012 4:53 AM, "Jayesh Badwaik"
> wrote:
You don't have to use CD, the Arch Linux installation can b
On 14 March 2012 19:29, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> This are bad news, since I've got less time and much work to set up
> several Linux installs to my needs. So I'll stop upgrading Arch Linux
> for a while.
> - Ralf
… and meanwhile virtualbox has been updated to 4.1.10 which, according
to the relea
On 5 March 2012 20:21, Jarek Sedlacek wrote:
> That may increase the performance, but doesn't explain why GTK apps are so
> much faster.
> Thanks,
> Jarek Sedlacek
My guess is that it's because Qt themes use lots of gradients which
are probably transferred as a bitmap, while GTK themes doesn'
On 12 February 2012 15:45, Andrea Crotti wrote:
> On 02/12/2012 12:20 AM, Jesse Jaara wrote:
>> Dunno about mplater but mplayer2 uses lubav, but is conpitable with ffmpeg
>> after config script patch (version missmach)
> Yes exactly, I don't know many details myself but what I'm sure about
On 4 February 2012 12:54, Bastien Dejean wrote:
> Hi,
> There's a problem with all the mercurial based PKGBUILD, the following
> command:
> hg pull
> Returns with a non zero exit code if there's nothing to pull.
> In that case, makepkg fails with since it traps all non zero exit codes.
On 29 October 2011 11:41, Rasmus Steinke wrote:
> I have a very nasty problem, which started around the time, arch changed its
> locale configuration.
> i cannot use ssh in a zsh session. All it does is filling my RAM until the
> computer stalls.
> If i run the very same ssh command in a bash se
On 8 October 2011 16:39, Sergej Pupykin wrote:
> It was the list of core/extra packages, but aide is in community now.
> https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/i686/aide/
Ah, sorry, I didn't know that it doesn't include [community].
On 8 October 2011 15:40, Sergej Pupykin wrote:
> Hi,
> here is the list of packages that are in SVN, but has empty repos
> subdirectory. Should not they be removed?
> abcm2ps
> abcm2ps-devel
> achessclock
> acroread
> adzapper
> aide
> alacarte
> apolos
> ar9170-fw
> archiso
> archlinux-th
On 3 October 2011 10:26, Bastien Dejean wrote:
> Hi,
> I can't mount a whole bunch of CDs/DVDs I've burned back in the days I
> was using Mac OS X.
> They've been burnt with the 'Hybrid Mac/PC' scheme of the following
> program:
> http://burn-osx.sourceforge.net/Pages/English/home.html
On 18 September 2011 17:33, XeCycle wrote:
> Hi, I build Emacs from git quite frequently, about twice a month or so.
> However the PKGBUILD from AUR rebuilds everything each time, which takes
> too many time I think. Perhaps Emacs is small, but I think there should
> be a way to prevent too many
> Thanks for that ;). Looking at the file size it looks to me that some of
> these are DVD images, I ripped a couple of my DVDs on that machine, but
> they are still available.
Note that the lost&found doesn't have to contain whole files. So you
might have all your DVD images present but they a
> Now stuff to discuss before uploading to testing:
> - kernel name: vmlinuz-linux
> - initramfs name: initramfs-linux.img
> same for fallback of course.
Why not use only
- kernel name: vmlinuz
- initramfs name: initramfs.img
and for fallback
- kernel name: vmlinuz-fallback
- initramfs name: in
On 26 July 2011 09:19, Vic Demuzere wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have a really strange issue with my Atheros WiFi card since
> re-installing Arch. It doesn't manage to connect to my wireless AP,
> except when I first boot windows and then reboot to Arch. So it looks
> like Arch doesn't manage to start
On 11 July 2011 20:01, Herb Miller Jr. wrote:
> Where can I find a snapshot of the Arch base system to facilitate deployment
> in a chrooted environment? Is such a thing available?
> Thank you,
> Herb
Maybe you could use mkarchroot tool from the devtools package. It's a
script which ease crea
On 7 July 2011 18:34, Ionut Biru wrote:
> On 07/07/2011 05:46 PM, Nicolas Bigaouette wrote:
> after talking with Lukas i now have an idea about what you guys talking
> about.
> Right now, what can i do is to take care about nvidia's opencl
> implementation and loader.
> Wha
On 30 June 2011 20:15, Thomas Bächler wrote:
> This is a huge release and should stay in testing for a while. I want to
> point out two significant changes:
> 1) We now have a build() function instead of an install() function - the
> latter was an unfortunate conflict with the install utility. T
On 28 June 2011 23:41, Thomas Dziedzic wrote:
> Hi,
> Java 7 is getting released on July 28th so I thought it would be a good time
> to let users test it out.
> I have just pushed jre/jdk 7 build 147 into [community-testing] so that
> users can have a month in advance to report bugs, and notify
On 28 June 2011 19:32, Andrea Scarpino wrote:
> On Tuesday 28 June 2011 19:28:00 Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
>> Thanks, that explains everything. I was searching the forums, but I
>> didn't even considered looking at the topic "[kde-unstable] KDE 4.7"
> There is a
On 28 June 2011 17:12, Bogdan Ionuț wrote:
> 2011/6/28 Lukáš Jirkovský
>> Hello,
>> I'd like to ask what is keeping KDE 4.6.4 from moving to [extra]? I'm
>> using it for some time without any problems, neither I can find any
>> bug report specific f
I'd like to ask what is keeping KDE 4.6.4 from moving to [extra]? I'm
using it for some time without any problems, neither I can find any
bug report specific for 4.6.4
Have a nice day,
On 17 June 2011 23:10, Richard Schütz wrote:
> The new driver really seems to have a major problem. I figured out that you
> just need an image with 2047px width to screw up the driver.
> ATTENTION: This can crash your X server and corrupt memory!
> Example: [1], an otherwise harmless pictur
On 8 June 2011 18:01, John K Pate wrote:
>> Probably this bug https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/24608
> Oh yes, it's exactly that. I removed luxrender (which I've ended up not
> using) and the update goes through fine.
> Thanks,
> John K Pate
> http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/s0930006/
> -
> I'm still trying to understand WHY we suddenly feel the need to replace dcron
> when its not even broken.
Actually dcron is broken quite badly. Sometimes the cron job is run
several times in a row, sometimes it's not run at all. The dcron
developer said he will fix it soon, but it was about a ye
On 6 April 2011 17:27, Sergej Pupykin wrote:
> At Wed, 6 Apr 2011 15:34:50 +0200,
> Cédric Girard wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Is there any particular reason why GNUstep (gnustep-base in [community]) get
>> installed in /opt/GNUstep? Especially libraries in
>> "/opt/GNUstep/Local/Library/Libraries/"
On 26 February 2011 05:50, David C. Rankin
> Guys,
> I need some help figuring out where to start in trying to keep kde4 from
> loading most of kde3 when kde4 is launched from the kdm chooser. A picture is
> worth 1000 words:
> [109k] (800x600)
> http://www.3111skyline.com/dl/dt/trini
On 14 February 2011 13:43, D. Can Celasun wrote:
> I've adopted, updated and reuploaded the "ejecter"[1] package as
> "indicator-ejecter"[2] to follow the general naming convention regarding
> Ayatana packages [3] . Can someone please delete the original "ejecter"
> package?
> [1] http://aur.arc
I think systemd is too much complicated and thus error prone. And so
does SysV init. In terms of reliability it should be as simple as
possible. What I really like is the the idea of runsv [1] – the init
itself does almost nothing. Even the simple things like respawning of
the processes are handled
On 30 December 2010 12:31, Andreas Radke wrote:
> Right now we don't have modern dictionaries packaged. People use AUR
> packages or poor OpenOffice extensions that cannot be used for other
> apps. The proper way is to have hunspell-xx packages providing a
> dictionary, thesaurus and hyphenation d
On 20 December 2010 17:10, Ionuț Bîru wrote:
> On 12/20/2010 06:08 PM, Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
>> Do you use testing? If yes, the nvidia drivers are not yet compatible
>> with xserver from testing.
> what are you talking about?
> xorg-server from tes
On 20 December 2010 07:30, Jeffrey Lynn Parke Jr.
> I did a big update on my main arch machine and rebooted, I can't start X
> anymore. I saw that xorg-xinit and xorg-xauth as well as the nvidia packages
> were upgraded. Startx gives me a blank screen and switching to the first
> login (ctr
On 20 November 2010 15:25, Heiko Baums wrote:
> Am Sat, 20 Nov 2010 11:27:35 +0100
> schrieb Pierre Schmitz :
>> ATM. we have grub1 in core/base and install that by default. The
>> problem is that this project is virtually dead for a long time now and
>> also not available on x86_64. Technically
I noticed there is still package go-openoffice in [extra]. Shouldn't
it be replaced by libreoffice? Moreover this package still depends on
python even though it should depend on python2.
On 8 October 2010 16:32, Manne Merak wrote:
> Anyone know of some reliable benchmark utilities I can use to evaluate
> display cards? and different drivers (mostly Nvidia on KDE 4.5).
> I know I can install some 3D game or demo and compare FPS, but I need
> something more focused on basic desktop
On 28 August 2010 19:24, Nilesh Govindarajan wrote:
> Go to google.com and search for MSN & Yahoo invisible scanners.
> You'll find a big list.
> So what's the principle of their working?
> I'm thinking of writing a pidgin plugin to catch invisible buddies.
I guess they do some ping-like thi
> noob question: what does this signoff means?
Basically it means that it works OK for you and you are willing to
"sign off the declaration the package is OK and can be moved to
[core]." Usually it's not used for packages from [extra] or
On 8 August 2010 01:53, David C. Rankin wrote:
> Guys,
> I have a problem with kdemod3. It is really still in quite fantastic
> shape. When I try to switch icons to the 'iceglass' icons theme (or Azenis
> theme, etc..) kcmshell crashes starting with ? "strlen() from
> /lib/libc.so.6" ??
On 3 August 2010 10:24, Tobias Powalowski wrote:
> Am Dienstag 03 August 2010 schrieb Lukáš Jirkovský:
>> On 3 August 2010 09:39,
> Tobias Powalowski wrote:
>> > Latest kernel is in testing,
>> please signoff for both arches.
>> >
>> > I alr
On 3 August 2010 09:39, Tobias Powalowski wrote:
> Latest kernel is in testing,
> please signoff for both arches.
> I already have
> .35 prepared, a fast signoff would be great.
> greetings
> tpowa
> --
> Tobias
> Powalowski
> Archlinux Developer & Package Maintainer
> (tpowa)
> http://www.arc
On 3 August 2010 07:50, David C. Rankin wrote:
> Guys,
> This is just a point of interest more than anything else. Many of you
> know I came to Arch from suse and one of the reasons was suse announced plan
> to eliminate kde3 in its 11.2 release in early 2009. Arch had chakra and it
> wor
On 17 July 2010 17:01, Lars Tennstedt wrote:
> Hello again,
> the graphics card on my old pc is a Nvidia GeForce 3 Ti 200. Before the
> release of the version 1.8 of X.org I used the proprietary driver. Because
> this is not possible anymore, I tried the nouveau driver and everything I
> can get
Actually I see the point of doing this. Arch is a modern distribution
with the newest software around so why stuck with shell constructs
which are probably dozens of years old?
On 27 June 2010 19:02, Andrea Scarpino wrote:
> On Sunday 27 June 2010 09:47:51 Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
>> Hello,
>> please remove package pmt
>> (http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=22689) which I maintain.
> [cut]
> Please use aur-general ML for reque
please remove package pmt
(http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=22689) which I maintain.
There are several reasons for it:
1) I don't want to maintain it anymore
2)A little background is needed here. pmt used to be a part of [extra]
but because of lack of interest it was moved to AUR wh
I still see the problem. Is it possible that it's bug in GCC?
On 19 June 2010 15:13, Thomas Bächler wrote:
> Am 19.06.2010 15:01, schrieb Liu Yu Fei, Eric:
>> I don't know if here is a right place to reply.
>> I am keeping both kernel26 and kernel26zen-git in my system.
>> The kernel26zen-git depends on kernel26-firmware and so as kernel26-ck.
>> I know that
On 16 June 2010 12:17, Gaurish Sharma wrote:
> Hi,
> I think Nvidia still does not work with 1.8
> Regards,
> Gaurish Sharma
At least nvidia-beta works fine.
I'd like to ask what are the plans for the xorg-server 1.8, especially
now when RC1 of xorg-server 1.9 is out. Please don't get me wrong, I'm
not demanding anything but I'm wondering what is holding back the move
to [extra].
I'm using new xorg-server on two different computers (notebook wit
With this (rather ugly) patch it compiles. I don't see a difference
between using this and ucontext.h only…
On 6 June 2010 18:21, Alexander 'hatred' Drozdoff wrote:
> В Sun, 6 Jun 2010 18:06:26 +0200
> Lukáš Jirkovský пишет:
> LJ> 2010/6/6 Lukáš Jirkovský :
> LJ> >>>
> LJ> >>
> LJ> >> Oh, now I see where the problem is. There are s
2010/6/6 Lukáš Jirkovský :
>> Oh, now I see where the problem is. There are several includes named
>> ucontext.h
>> Lukas
> OK, that's not the problem. I tried compiling it with -save-temps
> option passed to gcc and I see
> Oh, now I see where the problem is. There are several includes named
> ucontext.h
> Lukas
OK, that's not the problem. I tried compiling it with -save-temps
option passed to gcc and I see that the correct file is included but
for some reason the #ifdef __USE_GNU part is not included eve
2010/6/6 Lukáš Jirkovský :
> On 6 June 2010 17:32, Alexander 'hatred' Drozdoff wrote:
>> On my 64bit this macros defined in /usr/include/sys/ucontext.h
>> Try at the top of source.c add:
>> #define __USE_GNU
>> #include
On 6 June 2010 17:32, Alexander 'hatred' Drozdoff wrote:
> On my 64bit this macros defined in /usr/include/sys/ucontext.h
> Try at the top of source.c add:
> #define __USE_GNU
> #include
> --
> Alexander Drozdov
> FIDO: 2:5045/41.84
> Site: http://hatred.homelinux.net
> Site: http://a
Hello everyone,
recently I've a problem building rawstudio-svn on x86_64.
Unfortunately it seems that the problem doesn't lie in the rawstudio
itself, because I'm not able to build any older revision which I was
able to build before.
The error is:
application.c: In function ‘segfault_sigaction’:
On 3 June 2010 15:47, Marek Otahal wrote:
>> It could be worse. For me it broke everything visible (at least plasma
>> configuration was gone) and I had to clean my .kde4 and configure
>> everything again.
> Well, I'd like to thank everybody for support, I finally decided to spent
> 4hours and rev
On 2 June 2010 22:56, Marek Otahal wrote:
> Hello,
> anyone else experiencing issues with kwalletmanager after the upgrade?
> I upgraded during the kdelibs 4.4.3 issue, but that's fixed now. I don't know
> if it was a buggy upgrade or the release but the new kde sucks on my machine.
> Keybindings,
On 31 May 2010 10:37, Nilesh Govindarajan wrote:
> Guys I have a problem with the pulseaudio equalizer. I have checked EQ
> Enabled & Keep Settings. But I have to click apply settings everytime
> mplayer (cli) changes track.
> How do I solve this ?
> --
> Nilesh Govindarajan
> Facebook: nilesh.g
On 31 May 2010 01:36, Allan McRae wrote:
> On 31/05/10 09:13, David C. Rankin wrote:
>> Guys,
>> DRM won't build with pkgconfig 0.23 due to issues escaping "="
>> and ":" . Before trying the change to 'pkg-config 0.25' in testing, I
>> thought I
>> would as if the devs consider pkg-c
Hi David,
> It doesn't matter whether you use the
> latest install set or the one from 3 'releases' back, after the first update,
> you will have the exact same, current Arch Linux we all have. It is the
> smartest
> way to do a Linux distribution -- hands down.
I don't agree with you. For 99 % (
>> You still need some install CD/Flash/whatewer to do the initial
>> install and the current one is rather old. I had a lot of headache
>> caused by the old installer, because I need kernel >=2.6.31 (IIRC
>> installer contains 2.6.29 or 2.6.30) to install Arch on my notebook.
> archboot isos conta
On 4 April 2010 00:01, wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 03, 2010 at 05:59:18PM -0400, Keith Hinton wrote:
>> First of all, if anyone is curious as to why I have posted to the
>> Arch-General mailing list, I'm mainly doing this, in case any of the
>> Arch Release team is actually hanging out on this list.
On 10 February 2010 01:25, Damjan Georgievski wrote:
>> I just checked upstream and Fedora:
>> either the pulseaudio package in community is outdated, or it contains a
>> bullshit dependency.
> it's a wrong dependency (together with some other) I've already
> submited a bug report.
> http://bugs
I just found out that policykit on my package is no longer needed.
Because it looked strange to me a took a look at other packages and
found polkit package. What is the difference between these two
(policykit and polkit)? Both seems to provide the same package.
On 8 February 2010 03:49, wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 08, 2010 at 12:23:28AM -0200, Andre Ramaciotti wrote:
>> > Providing only the latest in the repos is OK, but erasing a
>> > previous version **with a different major version number**
>> > on a user's system surely isn't, as existing applications
On 31 January 2010 17:15, Pierre Schmitz wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 31. Januar 2010 17:14:05 schrieb Lukáš Jirkovský:
>> I think that the syncing would be much less painful if there was some
>> possibility to tell mirrors that package foo has been moved from
>> [testing] to [extra]
On 31 January 2010 17:05, Hannes Rist wrote:
> Hi,
>> There are several methods to improve the situation:
>> * multi tier mirroring. Roman started to work on this but might need
> some help
>> here. It's mostly an organizing task
> I strongly second that. Having a geographically organized hier
This is my probably my very last reply to this thread. From last I
know that discussing with Joerg is pointless. Although I'm not a
lawyer I think I know GPL quite well.
First, I took a look at cdrkit sources to test the claim they are against GPL.
On 28 January 2010 00:14, Gaurish Sharma wrote:
> Hi,
> Atleast, you have my vote, I building cdrtools from AUR as we speak.
> there is no point of using unmaintned software.
> Anyone,
> How can we setup cdrtools to completely replace cdrkit so that other
> programs like k3b can use seamlessly ?
2010/1/18 Ignacio Galmarino :
> On 01/17/2010 04:28 AM, Daniel Isenmann wrote:
>> Hi,
>> there is a new version of wicd in [testing]. In the past there were
>> always problems in upgrading wicd, so I have decided to put it in
>> [testing] first. Please test it and give me some signoffs.
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