Re: [arch-general] Mirror not updating

2009-07-09 Thread Lee R. Burton
Perhaps not needed, but could be useful, more folks complaining generally = faster action on the part of a mirror admin (like yours truely)... although, if someone comes back from vacation to an inbox full of 300 "YOUR MIRROR IS OUTDATED" messages, they might be understandably unhappy. Might b

Re: [arch-general] Mirror not updating

2009-07-09 Thread Lee R. Burton
Sorry, just saw this email, RIT mirror is now syncing, ... seems a lockfile got stuck. Feel free to give me a call next time for a more rapid response to it. Thanks, Lee Burton 301 910 0246 - Original Message - From: "Gerhard Brauer" To: Sent:

Re: [arch-general] RIT.EDU New Mirror

2008-04-05 Thread Lee R. Burton
t; wrote: > > On Sat, 5 Apr 2008 15:33:13 -0500, Simo Leone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > On Sat, Apr 05, 2008 at 03:20:15PM -0400, Lee R. Burton wrote: > > >> http://mirror.rit.edno u/archlinux <> > > >> Supports ftp

[arch-general] RIT.EDU New Mirror

2008-04-05 Thread Lee R. Burton Supports ftp and rsync as well, I would like to make it an official mirror. (do you all do push mirroring?) Located Rochester, NY, USA ~200mbps, Academic backbone No IPV6 yet... Is there any other information needed? --- Lee Burton [EMAIL PROTECTED] 301 910 0246