Re: [arch-general] `base` group replaced by mandatory `base` package - manual intervention required

2019-10-10 Thread Jonathan Steel via arch-general
I think we should have created a "minimal" group rather than repurposing the base one. Then as a separate issue to tackle, add "kernel" and "editor" etc to the base group which would prompt the user to choose, or if non-interactive install the first listed. -- Jonathan Steel Trusted User

Re: [arch-general] vagrant/virtualbox archlinux guest private_network

2016-06-22 Thread Jonathan Steel
yes systemctl enable vboxservice sshd dhcpcd vagrant package --base *vmname* --output *name*.box -- Jonathan Steel

Re: [arch-general] vagrant/virtualbox archlinux guest private_network

2016-06-22 Thread Jonathan Steel
ctl on the box and share further errors. -- Jonathan Steel signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: [arch-general] "sc" in [community]?

2015-01-21 Thread Jonathan Steel
it seems popular. I'll move it soon. Thanks, -- Jonathan Steel

Re: [arch-general] TODO-list orphans in [community]

2013-09-29 Thread Jonathan Steel
" > ( > > If you wish to adopt one of these, just reply to this email (or adopt > it). Objections to moving them should preferrably also lead to someone > adopting the orphans. > > [...] I've picked up aircrack-ng. -- Jonathan Steel pgpGTHf7fq9Ec.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [arch-general] harddisk suspending far to often

2012-12-06 Thread Jonathan Steel
s? > > somehow it resolved itself today. now hdd is running continuously again. If it happens again, you can check this with: hdparm -B /dev/sdx If it's spinning down too often, try: hdparm -B 254 /dev/sdx -- Jonathan Steel pgpsHqIBASb8e.pgp Description: PGP signature